Scheduled Forum Maintenance - Wednesday April 26

Due to scheduled maintenance the forum will be temporarily unavailable on Wednesday April 26 between 09:30 and 11:00 (GMT+2).

  • Forum maintenance started at 09:30
  • Forum maintenance completed at 10:30
  • Security updates have been installed
  • Discourse plugins Assign and Topic Voting have been installed
  • Discourse has been upgraded to v3.1.0.beta4
  • Release notes can be found here:

Can maybe next time the checklist plugin be installed?

[ ] Yes
[ ] No :nerd_face:


Your wish will be granted during the next maintenance session. :slightly_smiling_face:


What about this theme component below? Can that one also be installed? It doesnโ€™t require a rebuilt of the forum. It allows more user friendly ways to create and maintain tables.

Another wish to be granted during the next maintenance session. :slight_smile:

NB. I know theme components donโ€™t need a rebuild but I prefer to handle all changes in one go during planned maintenance.



  • I have installed the Table Builder theme component
  • The Checklist plugin is still on the backlog

Something else for the backlog:

Angels could use it to create quick replies. I often get non-local messages from people. Pulling a quick reply to request people to post something on the forum when itโ€™s not focused on local support would make the job of Angels easier since I only get non-local messages.

This plugin requires some more tweaking. It needs a category and a set of users who may use it. So if you donโ€™t have the time for that I would understand. If you need help, I already set it up on my own Discourse forum and it works pretty well.

Iโ€™ll install it in our Discourse sandbox and have a look at the config options.

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Any suggestions regarding the settings of the Templates plugin, assuming that (initially) we only want Angels to be able to use templates?

I notice now that the plugin has developed into a better direction. Last time I touched it I could only use a category for this. Which is only nice if you want to share the templates. I created a template subcategory on my own forum, but I removed it now in favor of private templates.

For that setup there are some prerequisites needed:

If these prerequisites may be enabled, then private templates can be used. A tag #templates can be created and configured in the bottom option of the plugin. Then groups may be added, such as the Angel groups, or to keep things simple, just TL3 and TL4 users (staff is included by default).

Then when you create a message and send it to yourself with the tag #templates, you can then use something like this:

Hi %{reply_to_username,fallback:there},

Thank you for posting! However, your post seems off-topic. Please... (provide some advice for the user here)


Only that person can find it then in the dropdown menu of the composer for quick replies.

And otherwise, maybe a template subcategory can be made in Participate (just a suggestion) and make it only visible for TL3, TL4 and Angels and default make every topic there a wiki, as is suggested by Discourse.

I have installed the Templates plugin in our sandbox environment and figured out how to set things up. :slight_smile:

Iโ€™ll add the plugin to the community forum during the next maintenance session.


Done. The Templates plugin has been installed and configured for Private Templates.


This plugin has also been installed today.


Check! And thanks!!

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