Sailfish OS alpha5 release

Long-awaited Sailfish OS alpha5 release is now ready. Installation and update instructions can be found at Adaptations/libhybris/Install SailfishOS for fp2 - Mer Wiki. Highlights of the new release:

  • Updated to Sailfish OS
  • First release based on Android 6 (18.02 release)
  • Support for new Fairphone display and camera modules
  • Camera button support in Sailfish camera app
  • Improved vibration effects

Important notes for updating from previous Sailfish OS release! Please be very careful when during update about flashing the Android system.img. During update process Android system.img needs to be flashed right after updating Sailfish OS and shutting down the device. Do not flash system.img before Sailfish OS update.

Known issues:

  • Youtube videos crashes browser when seeking
  • Camera configuration detection for secondary (front) camera sometimes fails (only during camera module change, update or installation)
    • To solve the issue remove /etc/droid-cameradetect-module-main.conf and /etc/droid-cameradetect-module-front.conf and run “systemctl restart droid-cameradetect”
    • Repeat the previous instruction until both cameras work (configuration is at /etc/dconf/db/vendor.d/jolla-camera-hw.txt and the validity of resolutions for secondary camera can be checked also manually)

20 posts were split to a new topic: Sailfish alpha5 and new camera issues

5 posts were split to a new topic: Switching between AlternativeOS’s on the FP2

Whoop. Even though I’m happily Xperia X-ing, tonight I blew the dust off my FP2 and flashed it to as instructed above.

After system.img flash, successful boot! Tyvm @mal


To solve the issue remove /etc/droid-cameradetect-module-main.conf and /etc/droid-cameradetect-module-front.conf and run “systemctl restart droid-cameradetect”

12+5MP new cameras working great now!

Everything moves very nice and smooth on this hardware. If the FP2 had Android layer, this might be my main device instead of the Xperia X esp w/ the new cameras. But from the latest MWC18 news, looks like XA2 will be the next purchase target.


For camera issues check the other topic linked above. Some people have had some conflicting packages from openrepos causing issues with video playback and camera.

Check that /etc/dconf/db/vendor.d/jolla-camera-hw.txt contains normal looking resolutions for both cameras.

If you have new camera modules then follow the instructions in installation instruction and try to recreate the configs.

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I do have a threadworthy question too, though: how do I “factory reset” this Sailfish FP2?

Running the Reset routine from Settings just reboots the device back, with nothing deleted. Your thoughts @mal?

There is not proper factory reset for community ports currently. If you want to start from the beginning just take a backup of what you want and install Sailfish OS again via recovery using the installation zip.

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@mal would you consider adding FP2 Sailfish splash screen flashing instructions from

It’s super simple to do and so worth it.



I have planned on creating some Sailfish related splash screen(s) before next release.


OK. And last question for the evening, what’s the latest on the community ports Android layer technology front? Is there any real hope of something usable yet?

While Sailfish3 promises an e-mail client overhaul, there are still a list of useful Android apps.

The biggest issue with the community android support for FP2 Sailfish OS is the old kernel, based on my research 3.4 kernel would require backporting of approximately 30-40 patches from a newer kernel version. Not sure how easy that would be, maybe I’ll try it at some point. In general the current community android support, Anbox, is able to show at least some apps but still many issues. I have recently been the person porting that to Sailfish OS (testing on Xperia X) and I’m planning on fixing the remaining installation issues so I can hopefully get more users and developers for that on some other devices which have new enough kernels.


Indeed. I went and read up on it here Why is FP2 kernel so old?

One of the enjoyables of Sony is, I can safely keep WIFI on 24h on Xperia X. On FP2 (at least on the old AOSP) just keeping WIFI on (phone on dark screen standby, no network usage), drained FP2 battery significantly faster than having it off and just networking via mobile data.

@mal what’s your up to date firmware based observations w/ FP2 WIFI vs battery drain? Do you keep WIFI always on? Any bad effects?

I never keep networking enabled on any of my mobile devices if I don’t need it.


(For some reason, merproject bugzilla fails to email me a password reset token, or I wouldve already edited wiki myself)

Couple of suggestions for the wiki:

  • Boot to TWRP recovery - add “hold power + volup for 10sec, until recovery splash screen shows”. I do this so rarely, there was no memory of how it worked, had to do a bunch of searching to find all the steps out.

  • Linking directly to might make sense, this made a huge upgrade to whatever I had before (something really old)

  • Copy the downloaded Sailfish OS zip to sdcard or to somewhere outside sailfish rootfs in userdata partition - if I don’t want to use sdcard or don’t have one, where exactly could I copy the zip - one example? Wording like “somewhere outside sailfish rootfs” is a bit cryptic for someone not tuning into this system too often.

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Improved vibration effects

Hmm, as far as I can tell, the screen haptic feedback still doesn’t function? I just realized, that’s a big “feeling” difference to the XpX, the FP2 feels so “quiet” :slight_smile:

EDIT … OR is the FP2 case so thick that the vibration doesn’t come through? Phone ring vibration works fine though.

The difference between the current state of vibration effects and what it was before is quite big. Previously you couldn’t even notice the vibration for incoming calls for example and now it’s clearly noticeable, As for the shorter vibrations like on-screen keyboard button presses, those are configurable in a file so I can adjust those if needed.

Hello mal,
after update, on my fp2 everything works as described.
Both cameras (i have the old ones) worked immediately after update ;-).
Thank you (again) for the fine work.