Purism unveils plans to build Librem 5, the world's first open smartphone ecosystem

That’s not exactly what I meant/how it is.
My feeling of sadness stems from the fact, that Purism producing in America has to be paying fairer prices than the ones that are usually paid in Chinese factories. Plus, I would hope, that working conditions in american factories are better than in chinese (security wise as well as working hours etc.).

So, they (hopefully) do produce more social responsible (not the mining of course) when they offer a phone “Made in America”. STILL: They do advertise it with a focus just on security.

That - to me - is sad in two ways.

  • It doesn’t seem to be important to Purism.
  • They don’t expect it to be important to their customers (most likely a realistic perception) :frowning:
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Anbox on the Librem 5


@nohwann, why not WayDroid? Isn’t Anbox unmaintained?

I’m finding internet references to WayDroid being new in 2021. The dates of the prior posts in this topic might be a hint as to why not back then :wink: .

Question remains what they are doing now.


Ha, thanks. Forgot to check the date, @AnotherElk.

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