📊 Poll: What OS(es) do you want to run on your next Fairphone (FP3 or later)

Oh, I could only pick five! :frowning:
I added B2G OS as it’s one I miss and would like to continue to use. I know this isn’t realistic, but that’s not the point of the poll is it!

Pure OS by purism would be a great choice. Freedom.

It would be great to finally have a Fairphone with officially supported Ubuntu Touch.
I’m currently using it as my daily driver on another FP2 and Nexus5 but I would really like an upgraded Fairphone that would come with UT out of the box.

I also have another device a Nexus 9 android tablet that I just use to fly drones.
I’m really looking forward to anbox and I hope that would solve the issue with the lack of some proprietary android apps that I need and I could be using Ubuntu Touch exclusively then.


Oh yeah and obviously only FLOSS (dic:floss) OSes are included

Why is sailfish there then? It’s not FLOSS

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Almost none of these OSes are 100% FLOSS.

All of these are except sailfish… The OS part itself of these are all 100% FLOSS. If you are talking about vendor blobs, they are not made by these devs they are device specific and should not count as the OS is “not FLOSS” since they are not made by them, they are only there because vendors give no other choice. But sailfish has closed source sdk, Silica UI, various middleware components and most of the applications that are developed and made closed source by them.

FP OS is definitely not 100% (GAPPS).
/e/ contains a proprietary maps app…
Anyways it’s about whether it’s realistic that the OS can be ported to a Fairphone. Some proprietary parts are obviously not an issue as Sailfish runs on the FP2. A proprietary OS like iOS on the other hand could never be ported.

FP OS does not come with GAPPS, that’s a user choose to install. that should not count as if its floss or not.

/e/ says its open source, https://e.foundation/community/. I don’t know about that maps app, never used it. (but is it preinstalled? or user choose to install)

All i’m saying is don’t say “Oh yeah and obviously only FLOSS (#dic:floss) OSes are included” and then include OS’s that are not, it makes people believe a OS is FLOSS when it’s not!

Yes it does.

I’m not saying they are 100% Free Software, so I don’t see a problem here.

I mean fairphone open, not the one that come preinstalled with FP2 atm. But yeah that comes with gapps yes, and should not be called floss.

You are saying FLOSS implying they are FLOSS, you don’t call iOS FLOSS even though many of its components are open source. https://developer.apple.com/opensource/ even the kernel is open source https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/Darwin/Conceptual/KernelProgramming/Architecture/Architecture.html

What you really mean are that they are able to be build and make run on “android hardware”.

iOS is as FLOSS as sailfish, they both got opensource kernel and semi open middleware but closed source UI and apps…

I am more looking forward to the Librem 5 phone itself than to Pure OS. Making a good mobile phone OS is harder then most people think and it will probably take Purism and their community at least a year or two to make it work well. I am guessing I will be switching to Ubuntu Touch soon after I get my Librem 5. But I will be watching the progress and hope they do well. For now, my vote is definitely Ubuntu Touch.

Please do not explain others what „they mean“, that’s rude.


They do have a point, though. It’s kind of important that people understand that while Sailfish OS uses some free components at its core, most of what makes the OS unique is proprietary and distributed under not very friendly licenses. If you want a fully free and open-source phone, Sailfish OS is not the solution you are looking for. I’m a member of the Ubuntu Touch team, so i am obviously biased, but I can tell you that the only proprietary components in Ubuntu Touch are the drivers required to run on some devices.


I don’t mind sailfish or proprietary software. But i do mind when people say something is FLOSS when it’s not. Its kinda insulting when you work so hard on opensource and contribute a lot of free time to make FLOSS an alternative (not only mobile, but desktop too), then someone comes along and say that something is FLOSS when its not!

I just realized that if ubports or any of the floss os teams and fairphone collabed on fp3 we could get an 2nd mainlined phone after librem 5

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For that to happen FP3 would have to serve as a FLOSS flagship with all FLOSS operating systems focusing on it. This would need a lot of communication between Fairphone and the UBPorts team (and maybe Purism for PureOS). Android could come from Fairphone directly just as it is now. Actually FP3 seems to be developed in private, which is a bit sad.

FP3 could be similar to Librem 5 - with a bit of fairness.

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I hoped for the FP2 to run SailfishOS at some time out of the box. The poll back than showed the interest. I even anticipated on that one as there where some rumors about it.

After a while there was a community port but I needed a full image with the licensed parts also(AD and Exchange). When the hope flew I bought a Sony eventually.

I hope this time they will bring out a full SailfishOS device, I will then definitely buy one!

@StephanK Since Fairphone is a player in the market they cannot risk to openly develop a next Fairphone. What would have happened if a competitor would have copied the modular design of FP2? FP2 would not have been the first modular phone in the market.

@BonoNL I remember that Jolla and Fairphone were talking about a cooperation, but they couldn’t reach an agreement.

that actually sounds a like a good way forward a lot of communication between faiphone and floss teams while keeping the designs under a nda

i hope fairphone and ubports can reach an agreement one day