Closed Poll: Multilingual Forum

Original post

(Poll suggested by @anon90052001)

:gb: How do you prefer to handle multiple languages? :fr: Comment voyez-vous la gestion des langues autres que l’anglais ici:

  • :gb: Keep it as it is don’t make nothing special to handle multiple languages.
    :fr: Ne rien changer.
  • :gb: Keep it as it is but make non-English threads’ title ends with the language in brackets like “… [Français]”
    :fr: Ne rien changer mais indiquer à la fin du titre des fils une indication de langue entre crochets, par exemple “…[Français]”
    (thanks @humorkritik)
  • :gb: Keep it as it is but make non-English threads’ title begin with the language like. “Français: …”
    :fr: Ne rien changer mais indiquer la langue au début du titre des fils: "Français: …
    (thanks @anon90052001)
  • :gb: Group of translators: Volunteers that can translate posts to English
    :fr: Prévoir un groupe de traducteurs volontaires qui traduiraient les posts en anglais
    (thanks @jpjacobs and @ben)
  • :gb: Create a category per language. Besides “Fairphone Help” there are like language houses “Spanish”, “French”, “Italian”…
    :fr: Créer une catégorie par langue: outre “Fairphone help” il y aurait des sortes de groupes de langue : “Español”, “Français”, “Italiano”…
    (thanks @anon90052001)
  • :gb: Translator: automatic post translation
    :fr: Ajouter un traducteur automatique
    (thanks @Stefan)

0 voters

Please help us to find other options and write a reply including “@sim6 add this option”.

French translation: (thanks to @Herve5)

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Missing here is the question of checking Discourse multilingual capabilities (and activating them if present)

Please, could you check it and propose something more specific?

The last option is the only thing which I found on

Too many options it seems :wink:

I propose a final vote between the two favourite options (after some time), in case there is no absolute vote.

I just went trying to motivate the french guys in one of the french threads, we should do the same for spanish guys etc. that for most of them won’t even have heard of this poll…

@sim6 could you please provide Spanish translations for the options in the poll?

@herve5: could you give your French translation to @sim6 so he can also add it up there?

You could use the flags to mark the translations (is this possible even in a topic title?). :es: :fr:

If a topic title is in a language I don’t understand I simply don’t click it.

Here it is, I’ll try to send it to @sim6 directly.

Comment voyez-vous la gestion des langues autres que l’anglais ici:

  • ne rien changer

  • ne rien changer mais indiquer à la fin du titre des fils une indication de langue entre crochets, par exemple “…[Français]”

  • ne rien changer mais indiquer la langue au début du titre des fils: "Français: …

  • prévoir un groupe de traducteurs volontaires qui traduiraient les posts en anglais

  • créer une catégorie par langue: outre “Fairphone help” il y aurait des sortes de groupes de langue : “Español”, “Français”, “Italiano”…

  • ajouter un traducteur automatique

Thank you, @Herve5! :smiley:

“Poll options cannot be modified after the first five minutes. Contact a moderator if you need to change them.”

Oh, I didn’t know that. :slight_smile: I’m gonna look into it!

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Sorry to bump up this old topic/poll but are there any plans to implement the outcome of the poll? I believe there is quite a clear winner with option 5.

No, there are no plans. Thanks for reminding us!

I still support my opinion in the original thread, but I propose a final ballot between option 2 and 5 (in the personal hope that people who voted for the other options will decide for option 2).


I voted for 5, mainly for those relatively rare users that just won’t understand anything english here (so, won’t be able to track [theirlangage]), but now, with quite some months experience here, I feel we juste are not numerous enough to split the forum in many languages.
So I’d switch to your option 2 presumably -but don’t consider this a victory: to me it’s a sign of our weakness…

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@paulakreuzer opened a new poll with only two options:

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