Isn’t it ironic that people that want a non-google phone have to buy a phone from Google to get full support? I think the FP2 would be a win-win for both worlds and it would nicely stand out.
Update: I was able to build the Nexus 5X/bullhead (6.0.1) code. It takes around 71G.
++++ boot ++++
building image from target_files BOOT...
++++ recovery ++++
building image from target_files RECOVERY...
++++ system ++++
creating system.img...
Bin blobs There is a “/vendor/qcom/hammerhead/proprietary
” [32+158 files?] and a “vendor/lge/bullhead/proprietary
” [144 files] needed for the builds. So I assume under the current FP2 EULA this would be a dead end as well.