I’m currently in the situation of being able to compare ubports and Lineage OS on two devices and I’ll share my results here.
I currently don’t have access to two devices, so this post won’t be updated until I do again.
But be aware that e.g. performance tests are not very representative when testing with just one device per OS. The two devices may simply be different by themselves (The Lineage device is my personal FP2 which I use since 2 years - old screen, old camera & top-module, old SIM Slots, one of which is broken and much used battery. The ubports device I just assembled out of all new modules and for now I’m testing it without a SIM or SD card and without any 3rd party software).
Feel free to add your findings by posting below, also comparing different OSes.
For now I’ll only update this post with my findings, but if we gather enough data I might make it a wiki.
Lineage OS:
- Current Version: 14.1 (based on Android 7.1.2)
- latest Update: 26.12.2017
- Security Patch Level: 05.12.2017
- App Store:
- default: none
- in use: F-Droid with system privileges
- medium-sized app catalog
- 100% FLOSS software
- Anti-features warnings
- Possibility to download huge catalogue of free (as in free-beer) apps from play store without an account (via Yalp).
- Possibility for #livingwogoogle
- no proprietory google software included (afaik)
- location service and many other alternatives available via microg
- You can easily block all google domains by editing the hosts file (e.g. with Adaway). System will then tell you it has no internet connection even though that’s not true, because android can’t ping google.
- Google controls android upgrades and security updates so you’ll always be dependent on google to some extent.
- Current Version: 15.04
- latest Update: 20.12.2017
- Security Patch Level: ??
- App Store:
- default: Open Store
- tiny catalog with many basic apps only available as web-apps
- afaict only FLOSS apps - even webapp versions for proprietary (e.g. Google Apps) use FLOSS licenses.
- Possibility to install adroid apps (haven’t tested yet)
- default: Open Store
- Possibility for #livingwogoogle
- no proprietory google software included (afaik)
- comes without location services (I wonder if microg could work with android app support).
- haven’t tried ways to edit hosts file yet
Some direct comparisons
- speed comparisons:
- shutting down: ubports
- booting: lineage
- rebooting: lineage
- booting to recovery: lineage
- starting apps: lineage
- browsing: about the same
- battery comparisons:
- charging: ubports twice as fast during first test
- discharging (idle): same during first test
- discharging (active): pending
I’ll compare more things later…