OLED screen specifications, PWM usage?

It’s a test device loaned to me for our upcoming meetup, not my daily driver, so I’m not using in that long uninterruptedly. But I’ll try to keep it in mind and have a look once in while in the coming days. Is “a tiny bit noisier” a typical tendency with DC dimming or was it just a random example?

One instant observation: When I’m activating DC dimming and remain in the same place until it has settled in, the screen’s notably a bit darker.


Some earlier OLED screens (predominately from LG but also from other manufacturers) used DC dimming and suffered from noise and/or uneven illumination. That was a few years ago now, but I don’t know if that’s been resolved generally across the display manufacturing industry.

I ask really, to see if there’s any particular difference between the two modes on the fp5 directly. I’d imagine there might be a small difference but nothing to worry about (I’m a bit fussy about screens, heh)

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Hi again, I walked the landscape and forest just outside of town here today, taking a flood of photos with the FP5 (any other readers: I will need some time to go through those and find a reasonable way to show these sample photos, so please don’t expect me to post them too soon), thus having a lot of “screen on” time. I did not notice anything extraordinary about the display. Bear in mind I haven’t got much to compare the “DC dimming on” state with. I have never used an OLED screen before.

It vaguely seemed to me that when manually increasing brightness, there is a rather abrupt increase/“jump” of brightness when I move from approximately 60 to 70% (i.e. move the brightness control slider), it appears not linear. But I doubt there is a connection with the DC dimming state.


Thank you for the update. This is very good news and I am feeling a lot better about it as an option now! I appreciate you taking the time to test it, it was very kind of you to do so. I don’t think the incongruity in the gradient of brightness between 60% and 70% would cause an issue, at least, not for me.

I brought up the subject on the eOS forums too after your post about the DC dimming option being available, and the project maintainer has added it to the list of things to check - DC Dimming option for FP5

Provisionally the option is there, but they want to test to be sure everything is working for the next build.


The PWM dimming frequency of the Fairphone 5 display is well above 1 kHz and, as shown by other users, there is a “DC Dimming” option if PWM causes you any uncomfortable feeling :wink:


Hi Francesco,

Thanks for adding the detail about the PWN dimming frequency. Over 1khz is far higher than the 450-600hz that recent iPhones have been using, so this is excellent news! :slight_smile: Combined with a de-Googled privacy-conscious Android, it’s going to be great.



It seems the “DC Dimming” didnt made it into the release of TT3G.A.094?


I also saw that option on the demo device @urs brought to the Fairphone Aachen Community Meetup. Didn’t check the OS version on that device though. TT3G.A.094 is the release the FP5 ships with?

TT3G.A.094.20230822 is the latest build available with security patch lvl from August in contrast to the shipped version of July(?). I can confirm, before installing the update “DC Dimming” was available.

My FP5 is on build FP5.TT3B.A.083.20230728 and has DC Dimming.
I received it 15-09 and it hasn’t installed an update (as far as I noted). Checking for an update also says my system is already up to date.

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It’s nothing new that some updates aren’t rolled out to all users simultanously though. Maybe it’ll pop up over the next few days.
I would however be a bit surprised if DC dimming was removed (at least without a good reason) after @FrancescoSalvatore confirmed it is supported on the FP5.

Did DC dimming return in the end?

Not as a setting in the latest firmware.

Fairphone please add (back) this setting, I cannot use OLED otherwise.

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As this is a user forum which is not necessarily read by Fairphone employees, you should send your request via support.fairphone.com

Stay tuned, it might come back very soon :wink:

Sorry for the sudden disappearance, we have identified some issues with it and we needed some time to properly investigate the causes and fix the problems before adding it back.


Did the setting come back?

Yes! And I like it.


Brilliant news. Someone handcuff the developers to a stool just far enough away from that bit of code so it doesn’t disappear again!

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