Well, overall I have the feeling, that the language of the whole entries gets more vague with every blogpost…
But to answer your question: let’s remind ourselves what Joe wrote himself announcing that there will be a blogpost soon and that he knows about some open questions:
The first 4 points are unanswered and unmentioned. And for the last point: Actually they announced a delay and added four photos. That may sound very harsh, but when there is not so much to say besides the delay (because there are reasons not to say anything specifc), I would have given at least more pictures in the post. Or tried to add something about the part(s) which caused the delay.
Moreover, one point I don’t get: “final assembly of the last modules will start on 23 November” and “At the end of November, I will be able to tell you more about exactly how many phones are being produced each week” — if the last modules get assembled starting with 23rd; the other modules must have been already produced before, which raises the question for me: Why can you only start telling us how many phones you are able to produce at the end of November? This is the key-information to have a real timeline for everybody with his order number (would have been my interpretation of the answer to point four). I know they don’t want to give too many specifics, because delays can happen, but being vague is also not the solution.
ps. and to clarify - Fairphone is doing more than any other company! I appreciate that and I am a FP1 owner from the first hour and promote the project so much that people propose I should apply for a job at Fairphone. So maybe it’s just the Fanboy in me who is disappointed… If you all are happy with the provided information, then I will sleep one night over it and get over it tomorrow.