Notification for release system update

Can Fairphone inform me when there is a new system update available?

Welcome to the forum Jos :slight_smile:

The updates are sent to your network provider to be tested then once the network confirms it works you will get a notification, via your network, that the update is ready.

The alternative is to manually download the latest and install it, but there’s no guarantee that it will be working with your network ‘flawlessly’

Here’s a link but what is available is a little behind what is provided Over The Air.


Theoretically, there is a notification when an update is available. But on my FP3+, it doesn’t work properly: I only get a notification when the phone was rebooted after the update was made available.



So how do I get the notification? What do you mean when you say ‘via your network’?
Email or other medium?

Thanks a lot,

The updates are sent to the networks to ensure they are compatible, networks require different parameters, sometimes, if it’s ready you will get a notification.

The check for updates isn’t continuous so you may have to wait for your phone to ask the network also.

The update is an OTA (Over The Air) notification via the network and then downloaded via your data allowance or preferably your wifi connection.

It’s pretty automatic > Download 4 min > Installation 15 min > restart > 1 min etc.

You can ask for the update via Settings > System >System update

If you don’t see one that means it is not available for your network yet.

The alternative is to download the new OS and install manually, which is good if you have a real problem with an existing version, but not ideal. a) it takes a bit of effort and b) it may not work for your network flawlessly.

Check out the following post as some people inform the forum when their network has provided the update.

See other instances of delays

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Which ‘messaging app’? Should I download and install this ‘messaging app’ first? Thanks.


It’s sent via the system service, no need for any special app.


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