No OS update available in a long time

My updater says “Fairphone OS 1.13.0 - Your operating system is up-to-date”.
Can that be right?

That was the last update before the Android 6 upgrade.
You’ll need to update the updater app from the play store first, then you can make the upgrade. Oh and don’t forget to #dic:backup first.


I don’t have play store, intentionally. Any other way to update the updater?

You can use the Yalp Store, though for some people that didn’t work.

If you don’t want G%§$e at all you can also switch to Open OS and upgrade from there.


Now, if I update to the new Android, will I have the play store anyway? Because if that is the case, then I might as well install it before…

Yes, every time you update FP OS you’ll get all removed system apps back plus if G%§$e decides to put more G%§$e Apps into the system you’ll get those too.
If you use the Yalp Store you don’t have to use a G%§$e Account though and you can disable/remove the G%§$e Apps again after the upgrade.


That is most likely the case because

  • this update is more like installing a whole new OS, and this whole new OS includes the Play Store by default like the previous versions did.
  • I would bet Google want to use every opportunity to get their Apps reinstalled even if people keep uninstalling them, and there is no better chance for that than a new Android version :slight_smile:.

Oh, and you want to make a backup of all your important stuff before the update :wink: .

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So, it took a manual update to get my phone to the newest OS, but I did never have play store, never used a google account, don’t have google service apps activated, either before or after the update.
So it seems to be possible…

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