New Fairphone - No Apps People founded

I just bought a Fairphone and I have tried to edit my contacts.

I do have the possibility to create new contacts through the contact (Phone) but I can not edit them.

I have read in the forum that someone else was having a similar problem and that this is possible with the apps people.

The problem is:

I do not have this apps installed. Is this a standard apps or I have to download it from google?

I have been looking everywhere to see what the apps looks like … no chance.

I’m using an english version so I would be glad if someone could help me.

Thanks for your support and have a nice evening

Did you install the ‘Google Apps’?
You can find it on one of your homescreen or you can find it in the ‘widgets’.
To get in the ‘widgets’,
swipe from right to left on your screen,
tap on the circle with the six dots,
now look on top of your screen and tap on ‘widgets’.
search for 'Google Apps Installer’
touch on ‘Google Apps Installer’ and keep touching while you drag ‘Google Apps Installer’ to one of your homescreens, then release.
Tap on ‘Google Apps Installer’ and install.

Thanks Lidwien - I had already done it yesterday (install google apps).

But now I took the battery out of the phone and reset it. The apps is now there.

It works fine. Thanks again