My phone does not connect to mobile data most of the time

Hi Lidwien, Proximus gave me a new sim card in August. Would there be a point in changing it again you think?

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Thatā€™s makes it a bit better Iā€™d say. If they sold it to you then they know that in theory the combination should work. So they are your single point of complaint and they should fix it.

Did you send it for repair because of this issue or because of anything else? If it was for that reason Iā€™d insist on having it swapped against a new one now, that should be totally covered by your consumer rights after two failed attempted to fix it.
Be assured, this is not normal, it might be something about the antenna connectors but itā€™s definitely not on you to investigate that on a brand-new phone.


Itā€™s difficult to tell. Did you check the APN-settings?

sorry to hear that noting helpt so far.

sorry to hear that Proximus is not taking their responsibility or maybe they just donā€™t have the know-how. try to visit there shop again donā€™t leaf before it is solved. stay polite but also put pressure.

itā€™s something that happens often. you see here more users asking help here.
what it makes difficult is the same problem do not have always the same source and solution.
thatā€™s way there is not one anser for all.

it happend to me as wel with a differed phone. long story short the provider dit had the wrong APN settings posted on their website for that phoneā€¦ ā€¦the support dit use the same website for their infoā€¦
i donā€™t believe that is now the problem for you.

we ask all those questions to find out wat the source of the problem for your phone and sim.

thins as getting a new SIM cart, yes let them change it again.
resetting your APN settings or doing the bigger reset as i posted above.
after the reset the phone supposed to install the APN automatic.

sometimes it doesnā€™t work the frust time and need to be don again.

but you shouldnā€™t have to do all those steps yourself, your provider should figure it out for you.

I can completely understand how frustrating this is for you.
i will be frustrated as well if it happend to me.

My wife has the same carrier than me. She has a sim as old as mine. She has a newer phone than I. And she has no problems.

Is her phone also a Fairphone?
Did you check the APN-settings?

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HI @dolivenca.

Iā€™m sorry to hear you experience a similar problem.

thank you for posting your APN settings, i will have a look at it shortly.

please can you share more about the problem you have?

when do you have the problem?
wat happens mostly?

pleas know that your 5 years old Sim is may the cores of the issue, i wil strongly recement to contact your provider to update your sim card furst.


i donā€™t see something strange here.

delete/reset your apn settings and let the phone set them again itself. If the phone cannot find its APN settings itself, then follow the instructions posted on the Mint mobile website:

Android settings - How to configure APN settings | Mint Mobile

donā€™t forget to request a new SIM card.

i hope this will help you out.


you could also take a look here:

Connect to Mobile Data ā€“ Support

and here:

Troubleshoot the Mobile data Connection ā€“ Support

She has the last version of the Samsung fold.
I just checked the APN settings. They are set as the instructions of Mint mobile (the carrier).

Are the APN-settings the same as on your wifeā€™s phone?

Ok, last update here. My phone was sent to the repair center for the third time. This time they came back saying that my phone had been exposed to moisture and that had caused the problem. First of all, they only pinpointed this problem this (third) time and not the two previous times. Second, I have never spilled moisture on my phone or dropped it in water. What I have done is use my phone normally, including when it is raining and/or with moist hands (after being outside in the rain for a while). On one occasion last summer, this indeed led to moisture inside my phone and I had to let it dry for a few days before turning it on again. This is already a red flag for the brand: If you cannot use a phone when it rains, then what use is it in northern Europe? Third, the connectivity problems started before this particular occasion.

So the company found a way to charge me 370 euro for a repair that i am sure will not fix the phone that I am unhappy with anyway. The flimsy backcover attachment means I cannot use it in the rain and this will not be fixed obviously. Now the company is basically forcing me to just write it off. I am extremely unhappy with the brand and the service. I will be out looking for my next phone. It will not be a fairphone.

So just to say: Cordon is not Fairphone and def report this back to Fairphone.

Edit btw I just recently saw a reel telling the user you can use it in the rain.


If you are hiking in the rain and you need to check the map on your phone multiple times during the hike, this is enough to result in water damage to the phone. This person is probably paid by fairphone. I am not.

Thats an Employee, thats marketing from the company! So when you used the phone as marketed, get in contact with Fairphone directlty about your case and Cordon.

Another example for another device


Yes. My settings are the same as my wifeā€™s.

Also, I requested and received a new sim card and the problem is still happening.

Any other suggestion?