MS Teams warning

From my experience Teams can be run for many hours if you just use it for audio calls - and that works quite well. However as soon as you start a video call the heat problems start because camera and display are used at the same time. And this is not Microsoft’s fault, also OpenCamera makes my phone heating up when used for more than just a few minutes (I remember having had my phone in a pocket where the power button was pressed twice quickly, so the camera started and didn’t turn off afterwards anymore - I could barely touch the phone when I noticed that).
I’m aware that switching between chats and so on is also quite resource-hungry, but normally you wouldn’t do this for an hour, so this is not a big issue.


Note: The Android 9 ROM for the FP2 no longer supports hardware echo cancellation, which has not been licensed by Qualcomm anymore. A fallback to software echo cancellation is done, putting a huge load on it altogether with the camera and overall data transmission. Therefore and because of my personal experience, I would not recommend to perform video calls on a FP2 with A9…


I notice also on my laptop, that different conference applications stress the processing units to a different level.
There are some, with which conferencing is not possible at all and others , which work well without problems up to 10 video streams. The limit on my system is the cpu bogomips.
So the rating should be on the software side, as the hardware cannot be changed, but the software can.
I do not use my FP2 for conferencing at all
my 2cts


In the wider sphere of conferencing I have noticed that MSTeams is resource-heavy on a laptop and caused the same issue with excessive load on the processor on an older machine. Same “resolution” as above - not to use it on that machine as I no longer do on the FP2 but again, other video-conferencing packages are less greedy.


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