"Massage" screen? (or what to do when it has (very) slow phases)

For a few days now, my screen has been very slow at times. Rebooting does not help but at other times, the screen works fine. I tried to find a post with a similar issue and read about “massaging” the phone - can anyone explain this more clearly or is there a straightforward description or demo anywhere?

Any other ideas of how to solve my screen problem?


This is very certainly not a hardware issue. Most likely some wild running app is eating up way too much processor power and slows down everything else.

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I guess you are talking about this topic.
The massaging is not the thing that may help with this issue, it is just a technique some people used if they had trouble taking off the screen.
What may help is cleaning the connectors between the screen and the main module.
For that you need to take off the screen and if that is difficult there is a super easy trick here: disassemble.

But I agree, a software issue is more likely. To test if it’s caused by an app you could try dic:safemode.

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Is there a way to find out which app? (I saw Paula suggests safemode - but that would leave me with lots of apps to test if nothing happens in safemode, and since the screen only slows down one in a while, I wouldn’t know how many days to wait before I go back to normal mode…)

I looked at Settings>Memory>Memory used by apps. Android OS is at the top of the list with close to 400 MB. Is that normal? Lower down, there are lots of apps that I have never heard of; 2 of them have their own logos (RCSService and SCI Settings) but they didn’t use a lot of memory.

You could “stop” individual apps which you are surely not using step by step to see if things go better.

I think I was lucky: I uninstalled the newest app I had and I haven’t had any more slow phases since. Looks like my problem is solved!

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How do you “stop” an app without deinstalling it? For some time, I thought waving it away from the screen would stop an app. But I’m not so sure anymore…

Go to the app "Settings"
go to 'Apps’
there you will find the app you looking for, tap on it and tap on ‘FORCE STOP’.

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But note that if the app has the permission to start in the background it could start again right after you force stopped it.

Would that show as a permission in « App Info » in Settings>Apps?

Not that I know of. But in F-Droid if you enable the F-Droid archive repository there is an app called Autostarts which shows which apps start in the background and when and even gives you the ability to disable that. But the app needs root.

OK, thanks. Hope I won’t need it… (My phone had a slow phase again on Tuesday, but none that I noticed since.)

That goes easier: Open the app drawer (the app list which opens when you press the six dots on the home screen). Long-press on the app icon and drop it on “App Info”. (It doesn’t work with app icons on the home screen).


Most self installed apps may be “forced” to stop, but also system apps. At the later more caution should be taken not to rise troubles and stability issues.

Yes, some apps may start immediately again, often as I could experience these are system apps mostly which are vital.

Most of the apps which I have installed may remain stopped until actively started again.

The alert always pops up, but I haven´t yet realized any problems stopping apps which I knew I would not use on a regular basis.

This step most sure keeps an app silent and hardly spending any resources. No root access is needed. Once you start the app again e.g. via your home screen this state simply toggles again and the app stays in whatever condition until you manually stop it again.
This way it is no problem to reserve some more battery and save on data contingent (yes there are apps out there keeping a connection open permanently transmitting data, I do not specifically mean things like emailing or social media apps needing regular syncing…).
You can also see which apps are obviously “closed” but active in the background without your knowledge as you believe closing it means to remain inactive as conventional computers usually keep it. Therefore you can take a look into the list of running apps (settings->apps swipe to “running”. To stop an app/service here may restart it immediately again. To keep it silent you may “force stop” it as explained.
It is a bit more work going through this procedure every now and then. But overall performance should stay satisfactory.
Pretty sure there is an app available to take care of this, but I also had severe troubles with Greenify after some months.
Some apps like Firefox offer a “quit” option in their menu. This way it stays inactive, closing all connections and uses minimal resources almost as being “forced”. Apps not having this specific option may be found closed but shown in the “running” list still doing whatever in the background spending resources.

I am using “NoRoot Firewall” and monitoring its network access log is very informative.

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