✏ List of Fairphone 4 Resellers

The following is a list of resellers selling the FP4 by country + prices. It is a wiki so feel free to add your findings.
The official list on the Fairphone website can be found here: https://shop.fairphone.com/en/where-to-buy


:globe_with_meridians:… shipping internationally
:lock:… only with contract
:unlock:… offers available with and without contract
:shopping:… physical store(s)
:shopping_cart:… online shop
:wrench:… offers spare parts
:headphones:… offers accessories (esp. FP headphones)

:austria: Austria

Buying options Reseller Variant Price
:shopping_cart: MediaMarkt 128 GB 579.00€

:belgium: Belgium

Buying options Reseller Variant Price Availability
:shopping_cart: :shopping: :unlock: Orange 128 GB 179.00€ to 429.00€ + plan 2021-11-18T23:00:00Z
128 GB 579.95€ 2021-11-18T23:00:00Z

:finland: Finland

Buying options Reseller
:shopping_cart: :headphones: verkkokauppa.com
:shopping_cart: gigantti
:shopping_cart: :unlock: elisa
:shopping_cart: :headphones: proshop

:fr: France

Buying options Reseller Variant Price Availability
:globe_with_meridians: :shopping_cart: Alternate 128 GB 626.00€ temporarily unavailable
256 GB 722.00€ temporarily unavailable
:globe_with_meridians: :shopping_cart: Amazon 128 GB 604.77€ 2022-03-31T22:00:00Z
256 GB 683.16€ 2022-03-31T22:00:00Z
:shopping_cart: :lock: :wrench: :headphones: Commown 256 GB from 29.60€/month 2021-12-31T23:00:00Z
:globe_with_meridians: :shopping_cart: computeruniverse 256 GB 685.71€ no longer available
:shopping_cart: :shopping: :unlock: :wrench: :headphones: Orange 128 GB 69.00€ + plan 2021-11-17T23:00:00Z
128 GB 579.00€ avaliable on physical stores (online order)
256 GB 119.00€ + plan avaliable online
256 GB 649.00€ avaliable online
:shopping_cart: Sosh 128 GB 579.00€ 2021-11-17T23:00:00Z
256 GB 649.00€ avaliable online

:de: Germany

Reseller Variant Price
:shopping_cart: AfB 256 GB 489.00€ (refurbed)
:shopping_cart: Aldi Talk 128 GB 494.00€
:shopping_cart: Alternate 128 GB 529.00€
256 GB 599.00€
:shopping_cart: :lock: Blau 128 GB (multiple contracts)
:shopping_cart: Computeruniverse 256 GB 549.99€
:shopping_cart: :shopping: Cyberport 128 GB 530.00€
256 GB 549.99€
:shopping_cart: Galaxus 128 GB 462.88€
256 GB 503.91€
:shopping_cart: :wrench: :headphones: Memolife 128 GB 499.00€
256 GB 569.00€
:shopping_cart: :shopping: :unlock: Freenet 128 GB 579.00€
128 GB (multiple contracts)
:shopping_cart: :wrench: :headphones: OTTO 128 GB 525,97€
256 GB 612,44€
:shopping_cart: Rebuy 256 GB 503,99€ (refurbed)
:shopping_cart: Refurbed 128 GB 460,99€ (refurbed)
:shopping_cart: :wrench: :headphones: Reichelt 128 GB 579€
256 GB 609,95€
:shopping_cart: :shopping: :unlock: Telekom 128 GB 529.00€
128 GB 40.95€ + 69.95€/month (24 min.)
:shopping_cart: :wrench: :headphones: Vireo 128 GB 529.00€
256 GB 599.00€

:netherlands: Netherlands

Belsimpel ships to 15 European countries, also under the brand Gomibo, each country has its own domain (e.g. gomibo.de or gomibo.dk)

Buying options Reseller Variant Price
:shopping_cart: :unlock: :globe_with_meridians: Belsimpel with plan
128 GB 579.00€
256 GB 649.00€
:shopping_cart: :shopping: :lock: KPN
:shopping_cart: :shopping: :lock: Tele2
:shopping_cart: :shopping: :lock: T-Mobile

:switzerland: Switzerland

Buying options Reseller Variant Price
:shopping_cart: :shopping: :headphones: Circle Shop 128 GB 579.00 CHF
:shopping_cart: :headphones: digitec
:shopping_cart: Sinndrin Genossenschaft
:shopping_cart: Why Open Computing
:shopping_cart: :shopping: Interdiscount

:uk: United Kingdom

  • Clove expect availability: late November (Checked 5 Nov)
  • Honest Mobile state LATE November
  • KICKmobile ( 9 available as of 9am 25th Nov)
Buying options Reseller Link Tel No. :telephone_receiver: Variant Price
:shopping_cart: :lock: :unlock: yourcoop.coop 01608 434 000 128GB £30 * 24
:shopping_cart: :lock: :unlock: yourcoop.coop 01608 434 000 256GB £32.5 * 24
:shopping_cart: :lock: :unlock: yourcoop.coop 01608 434 000 128GB £500
:shopping_cart: :lock: :unlock: yourcoop.coop 01608 434 000 256GB £560
:globe_with_meridians: :shopping_cart: :unlock: clove
+44 3301 180 686 128GB £499
:shopping_cart: :unlock: Honest Mobile No Phone Number 128GB £499
:globe_with_meridians: :shopping: :shopping_cart: :unlock: KICKmobiles +44 20 7370 3775 128GB £???
:globe_with_meridians: :shopping: :shopping_cart: :unlock: KICKmobiles +44 20 7370 3775 256GB £589

:taiwan: Taiwan

Buying options Reseller Variant Price
:shopping_cart: :wrench: Palcom 皇鋒智能家居 256 GB 12900 TWD

FP4 with preinstalled customROM

Buying options Reseller Link Variant Price
:globe_with_meridians: :shopping_cart: Murena (/e/OS) 128GB €629,90
:globe_with_meridians: :shopping_cart: Murena (/e/OS) 256GB €699,90
:globe_with_meridians: :shopping_cart: iodėOS 128GB €659,00
:globe_with_meridians: :shopping_cart: iodėOS 256GB €729,00