Thank you very much for your quick and very helpul answers.
I’d very much like to use Sailfish, but I followed @AnotherElk’s link and read the installation guide for it - and it scared the hell out of me.
(By the way, one of the installation steps reads **Requires Fairphone Opensource OS 18.04 [](https://storage.googleapis…- but hey, there’s this darned Google again that I had thought Sailfish was supposed to get rid of!)
Anyway, Sailfish seems to be way out of my league. There are #fairphoneangels in Erfurt, Germany, about 300km away, but I wouldn’t want to bother them with setting up my phone from scratch unless I could pay them to do it (is that it? does it work like a shop?)
The instructions for installing Fairphone Open OS on the other hand seem to be much simpler. So I think I should start small and go hardcore anti-Google later.
Thanks again for your help
One more little question, if I may:
Your way of spelling Google - is that some kind of insider-joke?