Input for Community newsletter - Week 15 2016

Dear Community members,

This week we’ll send out a newsletter to our 44k+ subscribers. To make sure they are aware of this awesome community, we’d like to include more information from the community in the newsletter.

So if you are organizing events or meetups the coming weeks. If you made something with or for the Fairphone. Or if you found a discussion/article/newsitem somewhere that seems to be of particular relevance for the Fairphone community: please share it in this thread!

Thank you!


Hi Douwe!

The french speaking community on Facebook (>1100 people) has recently released a FAQ, in French of course. Everyone can access it on Facebook on


The Austrian Fairphoners will organize a photo tour through Salzburg on May 21st (Edit: not definite!!! Edit2: postponed to an undetermined date) and there will probably be a Q&A in a local T-Mobile Shop. We’d like to especially invite people from Austria, Bavaria and Baden-Würtemberg, but if someone comes from further away, we’d of course also gladly welcome them. Why not combine this meetup with a weekend stay?

CC: @urs_lesse, @Vinni, @Friek, @amber, @merci, @vthejay, @Bieneevelyn

More infos will follow here: 🇩🇪 🇬🇧 Austrian Fairphoners (Frohe Weihnachten! 👼)


Maybe you could point out in the upcoming Community newsletter that there is this awesome German speaking community on Facebook with lots of lovely (more or less experienced) FP users (more than 3000 people right now) helping and supporting each other in case of any issues/questions concerning their FP1(U)/FP2s. I very much appreciate the spirit of the “Fairphone-Freunde” community. :slight_smile:

This facebook group is propably very helpful for those (German speaking) users that don’t speak/understand English to such an extent that they would be able to follow the (complex and extensive) English threads of this community forum.


Attention, we are not sure, if the phototour will be on may 21st, it will maybe be on 22nd or 28th! We will know for sure tomorrow evening. @Douwe please send an email to tomorrow, so we don’t forget to tell you when the phototour will take place. Sorry for the short notice!

Hello !
Paris community is planning its 2d meetup in May in a recycling shop.
@Douwe When is the deadline for providing you all details ?

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I’m sorry to announce a change of plans. The trip to Salzburg has been postponed to an undetermined date because we got the opportunity to have a booth at the Südwind Straßenfest in Vienna on May 21st. Katie from the Fairphone team has already filled out the subscription form so this event is indeed definite! :slight_smile:

Thanks all for replying!
We’re finishing the newsletter as I write this.

Looking forward to hear from you again in this new thread over here.

You can add stuff there on a rolling basis.

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