Infinite reboot, except when charging slowly

Hi @Famous_Amos

I’ve noticed my phone also gets very hot when I make a call over WiFi. Warning sign? It’s not hot otherwise. Well unless I fast charge which I rarely do.

20 seconds is pretty precise for a heat issue. If it wasn’t for the fact your phone works okay with a data cable connected, I’d say it could a service starting or maybe duff RAM. But what service doesn’t start up when a data cable is connected besides screen shutdown?

Random thought : how long is your screen timeout set at? Not 20 seconds? When you unplug the data cable, is it still 20 seconds before reboot? If you manually switch the screen off via power button during the time bomb period, does it still reboot at the expected time? Expecting it to be the same sadly. I give up.

If you have ADB installed on your laptop, you can download a bug report by typing :
adb bugreport “path/to/save-file-name”
into the command line, but unless you understand quantum physics it will be a hard read. Needle in a haystack! If only it would splash ‘FATAL’ into the log once in a while.

If nobody else replies with any ideas, and you do decide to recycle , note that there is a market place on this forum where you can offer used modules for sale. There are also certain forum ‘Angels’ that are very good at redistribution. For instance @Antoine in France.

Have a look at Antoine’s used modules thread.

I’m not telling you to to this, but as you mentioned your intention to recycle, I thought I’d mention there’s a re-use option too.