Incredibly slow and inaccurate GPS

My EPO update experiences:

  1. Right from the beginning, I turned off the automatic update function. I almost always disable all automatic updates on all computer-related stuff, partly to avoid unwanted data traffic, partly to be in control of my gadgets.
  2. Under previous FP OS versions, right up to and including 1.6, updating the EPO files manually has been more or less impossible (after twenty-something attempts it has sometimes worked). The FP1-EPO app solved this problem.
  3. After upgrading to 1.8, the built-in manual update function works perfectly, no doubt because of the switch from FTP to HTTP as described by @keesj here. So the FP1-EPO app is therefore not necessary.
  4. I have not noticed that enabling (updated) EPO files delays getting a first fix. On the contrary: I normally get a fix within 15-20 seconds, while it takes longer if I disable EPO.