I perfectly understand Mowgli’s frustration and I totally relate to the issues he described . I myself replied to a similar post few weeks back about the same topic:
I agree, no phone is perfect. But, in my case, before switching to FP2, I had a Samsung phone that I used for more than 5 years, without any trouble, even the battery was still decent. A good friend of mine had a XiaoMi for 2 years. He never had constant issues like the one I am having and the phone was much more stable.
Yes, in both cases, the phones are not ethical but they are coming from 2 different types and sizes of manufacturers. This is why, I think that the ethical and sustainable aspects should not be used as justifications for the technical flaws. On the contrary, if you want to convince more people for this kind of product, it should be working as well as the others (if not better). Especially for a larger audience that is not willing/able to come to a forum every other week to fix the different issues.