How to keep phone unlocked when in a certain Wi-Fi?

The Smart Unlock app stopped working with the Android 6.0 update.

Now I look for another solution to keep my phone unlocked when in a certain Wi-Fi. Android has no built-in support for that (only Bluetooth devices and location). Has anybody such a solution?

Requirements for this solution:

  • Keep phone unlocked when in a certain Wi-Fi (with defined SSID). No Bluetooth or location solutions, please.
  • The solution should work with an unlock pattern.
  • The solution should not require root.

I have also created a feature request for that.

Tasker plus Secure Settings works like a charm on Android 6 and solves this issue for me. Locking and unlocking is working instantly and does not require root. Downside is: It’s a bit like programming: You have to define the circumstances, under which a specific action shall fire. A bit tricky in the beginning.

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