How long do you plan on keeping your Fairphone?

Exactly what I said but if you extract my phrase from the context you do an “unfair” quotation (just to use a trendy word in this forum :P); I simply stated that saying 4.2.2 is an “out of date” version to put on a phone is not “unfair” as per the complain of @LittleWhorle, simply because about one out of five phones still has it installed, so it isn’t yet an obsolete unsupported version (looking from the apps perspective, not Google’s one).

I can also live perfectly fine with Slackware 5.0 or Windows XP or some other “out of date” OS if as a conscious user don’t go to pron sites or use peer-to-peer tools to share unknown files nor downloading unknown applications… Webview flaw is only a minor problem compared to what malware applications and/or closed firmwares can do, please read my post here and here because I don’t want to repeat and cross-post my ideas :smile:

So what NOW blocks you to use your phone? Can’t you install FIrefox, a firewall, XPrivacy or other security tools? Did your phone switch off forever after Android 5 was released?
Saying Fairphone statements are false promises is a bit excessive, if you want to know what does it mean to false promise to customers please see my experience with Sygic here; this is far away than Fairphone “false promises” :wink:

So what many of us hoping to OWN a device built in a fairer way did before…do we really need to do a step backward only because Google not Fairphone decided to not support its “old” operating system by don’t fixing bugs they created? Google has its interests in getting Android versions old in favor of new shining ones, this is programmed obsolescence and is a very well known marketing strategy :wink: