How can I tell if I am holding a FP3+?

Good morning all.

I bought an FP3 a year or so ago. My wife’s ancient Wileyfox became unusable so we bought an FP3+.

I am at a loss to discover if they have supplied me with an old 3 by mistake. About Phone in the settings “Model and hardware Model: FP3”

It works fine but it’s not obviously better than the older one.


That is shown both on the FP3 and the FP3+. You can hold them apart by external appearance: The FP3 has white lettering (which tended to peel and fall off) on the back cover, the FP3+ has it just in “relief” lettering (conclusion from the former :wink: ) without colour filling. Plus the FP3 is somewhat translucent black while the FP3+ is opaque black all over. And last but not least: The FP3 came with a black bumper that stretches around all edges of the device, but does not cover the back cover.


Goodo! I have an FP3+



How about the camera, isn’t that one main difference?

Yes, but that one is a bit trickier to distinguish (plus its output is 12 MP photos, too).

The FP3+ camera modules should have silver borders.

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