I think it would help with workshops in schools because younger students don’t speak English yet. (Maybe there should be a stripped down version for younger students that is translated into other languages, rather than the whole Miner’s guide.)
Gosh, NO! Think about all the iPhone users! They won’t ever be able to learn anything about Fairphone!!! On a more serious note: That would also raise questions about Sailfish OS, Ubuntu OS, etc. native apps. I think the mobile version of Fairphone’s website is sufficient and you should make sure that it works well in the latest mobile browsers.
Yes! Maybe to efct17 participants? [quote=“Douwe, post:26, topic:26704”]
Do we need to share more info on our website and blog about the issues in the industry for you to read and educate others?
The blog posts about recycling the FP2 and the 10 materials you are focusing on were very informative and I hope to get more of these. (Wasn’t able to read the MWC blog post yet.)
Paint @werner_noebauer 's VW bus in Fairphone blue and make a roadtour / pop-up stores all over Europe!