Hardware switch for microphone and cameras to improve privacy

Privacy is getting more and more difficult to get:

  • Big tech companies collect user data with or without their consent, to sell it for tagreting marketing or to train IA using people’s data (i.e.: identity!) and try enforce their predatory economical models (cf. Chrome’s ). They make lots of money out of it, centralize economical (hence political) power by pillaging everyone’s data and common goods.

  • Many government worldwide are increasing using smartphones to spy on their people, activate cameras, microphones, wifi remotely to put pressure for example on political opponents, activists or anti-corruption associations.

Beyond software, the only really reliable way of taking control over when and where a smartphone’s features are in use is to implement hardware kill switches for each feature like was done on the Librem 5.
To be complete it would be even better to had a kill switch for positioning as well (GPS).

This way Fairphone would be ethical in all ways: production and privacy (great partnership with e/OS by the way!).

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There is already a topic about this. I personally don’t see how these switches will help. User fingerprinting can be done nonetheless, I think it will give a false sense of privacy/control.

Either way, best to contactsupport to discuss this feature.

a current reminder on why hardwareswitches are absolutely needed for true privacy

Jamf Threat Labs explains their discovery of a post-exploit UI hack of Airplane Mode.

fake airplane mode brought to you via software hacking.

If you can’t trust the software then you will never outsmart it with hardware switches. It could collect data and send in bulk once it has a connection. Hardware switches give a false sense of privacy and control :slight_smile: If you really can’t trust the phone with your private information, then you shouldn’t use it. Hardware switches are just a gimmick in my opinion.

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Is that true? If i hardware-switch-kill my microphone, there cant be anything recorded to be send later.

In that case I was indeed talking about the network kill switches. But also know that a speaker can be used as a (low quality) microphone.