FP4 without internet

I have a FP4 quiet new and from a day to another I lost internet. It indicates that I do have internet, but I can"t send nor Whatsup messages, nor anything. It only functions with wifi. It happened to my FP2 also and I never knew what was happening. I changed to 4g, 3g, nothing helped.

Have you made sure that your current contract and operator side settings still allow for mobile data? One way to check would be to try another known-working phone with your SIM.
Have you already restarted your phone since this happened? It happens to me occasionally that one or both SIMs lose network connection completely and I have to go to Airplane Mode or reboot to get it back.

I have the same contract for 16 years with the same network. Yes, I have restarted many times, I tried the airplane mode also, I have changed the 5G to 4G , 3G. I have just pulled out and in the sim.

I got it. there is an option: recover Wifi internet and Bluetooth. It functioned. Thanks


I feel like I might have run into the same problem. But I can not find the functionality to recover. Can you help?

You have to chose the option : system-> advances-> recovery and then you have 3 options of recovery. 1. Apps 2. Internet 3. All


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