FP4 + Ubuntu Touch

Some news about FP4 in the last UBports Q&A :slight_smile:


Fairose asked about the current state of FP4 with pre-installed UT. Is there an expected date for sales to start? Actually we may skip a model and go for launch with FP5. One of the things we are particularly keen on is to have 5G support. Marius has got that working in beta. It should be in Devel by the time of the next Q&A.

In the EU we can get by without VoLTE but in many countries it is essential and we would want FP5 to have that at launch.

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Focal 20.04 OTA-3 Available Now

Today we are very pleased to announce the release of Ubuntu Touch OTA-3 Focal. The third stable release based on Ubuntu 20.04 brings many improvements and changes. All the details can be found in the OTA-3 blog.


Focal 20.04 OTA-4 Available Now

Today we are very pleased to announce the release of Ubuntu Touch OTA-4 Focal. The forth stable release based on Ubuntu 20.04 brings many improvements and changes. All the details can be found in the OTA-4 blog.



LOL! Just bricked my fairphone 4 after locking the bootloader with Ubuntu Touch installed.
Anyone know if it’s okay to ‘lock_critical’ or should I just leave everything completely unlocked when I finally get my device back?

Is it possible to lock the boot loader without bricking the device?
Ran lock_critical and lock via fastboot and I’m probably going to have to send it into a repair center now. :laughing:

Too bad, seemed like a good experience for the 30 minutes or so I got to mess around with it.

I merged your comments and moved it here

And I assume thats still true

Indeed Ubuntu Touch doesn’t support locked bootloader, so it will not boot.
In theory you just need to unlock it again, if you’re lucky get_unlock_ability is = 1. :crossed_fingers:

The problem (as reported in several other topics) comes when you lock it while get_unlock_ability=0
This is a general bug of FP4 (not Ubuntu Touch specific) and unfortunately there is no other option than send it back