FP4 fingerprint sensor makes multiple attempts without lifting finger

On my side I also encounter issues to unlock my FP with fingerprint.
Recent updates seam to avoid multiple quick vibrations occurring during first 2s after a pressing my finger, but the phone is still difficult to unlock and block new unlocking attempts after about 2s. I am using /e/ os and I am currently discussing the issue with murena support team.

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i’ve re-enrolled my fingers 2 times by now and i’m still having a lot of problems, both with it not reading and, with minimal sweat in my fingers, " dirty" message appearing… my fingerprint sensor is almost unnusable sometimes…

Yes sweat is an issue, you may want to record one with sweaty fingers to see if that helps.
I use an FP3 and work outside a lot, so frequently wash my hands, and what happens ~ I get my fingers are dirty :slight_smile:

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Yeah bit its faar from ideal for a person that sweats from their hands :frowning: im literally considering returning the phone…

I’ve found something of workaround. It seems the problem occurs only if you touch the sensor lightly. What I mean is that in my head I distinguish three categories of touch - light, medium and hard.
Light is when you barely touch the sensor. In that case if you finger is clean, etc. the phone will unlock, but if your finger is e.g. dirty the problem fromt his thread will occur, i.e. multiple scan attempts and phone will lock the fingerprint.
Medium is when you press your finger on the sensor firmly without making the button click. In that case I’ve found that if your finger is not recognized, the phone will make only a single attempt at reading it and will not casue the multiple scans problem.
Hard is when you actually make the button click, which is outside of the scope of the topic, but I wanted to have it here just for the sake of completeness.

So, yeah, if you are not pressing the sensor by accident, as I very often do, try to press it more firmly, without clicking the button, and see if that makes only a single scan attempt. I’m curious to see if it’s the same with other people.


For me it works fine in any case. I really wonder if this may have to do with the patterns of fingerprints. Just like some face unlock and photo camera software is biased towards certain ethic features, the fingerprint software may be callibrated better for a certain swirl in fingerprints.

I have an ulnar loops fingerprint on my index finger and a double loops on my thumb (mostly use this one). Both work fine for me. What about those who have issues?

Just a +1 from me:

As soon as I turned off the “press button, lift finger, put finger back on to scan for fingerprint” I have the same issue as OP.

BTW. The default should be: press button, keep finger on button so your finger get;s scanned. That would solve this methinks.

Also, it does not just scan on fingers, any part of my hand that touches the scanner, prompts 5 scans per second it seems and locks the phone. So I have returned to “press button, lift and then scan finger” mode.

BTW. LOVE this phone. I love everything about it, 5 year warranty, no wasteful wireless charging, it’s just perfect.

This small niggle (and it is small) can be fixed in software I hope :wink:


I suppose you’re on the latest OS version, right?

Android 11, June 5, 2022 Security update (that big 500MB sucker :wink: ).

Build FP4,FP40.A.142.20220628

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I would like to present a workaround to the problem presented here which allowed me to normally use the FP sensor under DivestOS. Registering the same fingerprint on multiple slots seem to greatly increase the fingerprint sensor sucess rate making one of the “multiple attempts” generally successful. I would say that it works in more than ninety percent of FP unlocks. As a drawback I can only use one finger to unlock my phone

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Personally my workaround is to rub very quickly the sensor with my finger from top to bottom.

Yeah same problem here :wink:
I think putting the sensor (scanner) on the side was not a good idea since that is where you hold your phone …

I would also say that the protective case is a root cause. I had not issues at all for several weeks, however since Tuesday evening when I put the case on, I noted the issue already several times. It happens mainly when I try to use the thumb and dont pay attention to really bring it down to the Sensor.

I really wonder if something like this is in play. Because it works great for me, also with the official case. So the only difference may be the fingerprint patterns.

I don’t use a case 90% of the time and I still have this issue.

It’s not even just the thumb, the sensor is just too sensitive, it’s reacting to every part of the hand. I can press my palm against it and it gets triggered.
If I enable unlocking with fingerprint, I reach “too many attempts” just by taking it out of my pocket…

And yes, I have scanned my fingerprints several times, retried it countless of times.

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I recently purchased the official case and I don’t really experience this issue. Prior to that I was using a 3D printed one. If anything, it actually prevents me from accidentally touching the sensor when I just grab the phone. :smiley: I also only scanned each finger once.

I dont think there is the one root cause and that many may play together. So overall something/somehow it seems too sensitive and in my case its mainly triggered by the case and not by my fingerprint patterns (alone) as it worked without the case pretty good.

True since I have the case I enabled the fingerprint feature that allows to directly unlock, without needing to press the power button first. It was disabled becauseI unlocked the phone many times when just taking out of the pocket

I would like to return the topic to it’s original scope. The issue we are discussing is not how succeffully the scanner scans your fingers. So solutions like “do xyz, and your finger will be scanned successfully more often” are not really solutions to the issue. At best they are workarounds for some specific situations.

The issue is about the behavior when the fingerprint scanner fails to scan your finger. And that when the scanner fails to recognize your finger it makes multiple attempts so quickly that it blocks the scanner, before you have a chance to stop it. That happens in many cases where you’re not even trying to unlock the phone, e.g. when you’re taking it out of your pocket or just picking it up from the table.
So the real solution would be a change in the behavior when the fingerprint scanner fails to recognize your finger. More specifically either to have some sort of timeout between each scannig attempt or to wait for you to lift your finger and put it back a second time. And the former solution would be the better one.

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I do think we are all at the topic it just seem to be difficult to reliably reproduce as some dont see any issue, I only had the issue since I use a case and some have the issue also without the case. Overall the more examples reported to Fairphone, the better to troubleshoot…

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I agree, these are all symptoms of fundamentally the same root cause(s).

I didn’t open a ticket so far, since I’m not running stock FPOS and don’t want to muddy the waters, but everyone else affected, please #contactsupport
The more people talk to support, the sooner this will get fixed.