FP3 will not charge!

I ordered and received a FP charger and cable. It is saying that it is charging “slowly” and absolutely nothing happens. When I changed the charger to my old Iphone charger, but kept the cable, it worked…
What is this???

This is an issue. Fairphone support should do something about that for you … https://support.fairphone.com/hc/en-us.


Thank you. I filled in a form on that page explaining this. Still no answer though…

I received my FP3+ 3 days ago, and I also experience charging problems. The first day it charged perfectly, but today the yellow charging light was on but after 2 hours of “charging” nothing happend. (later I noticed that the charging battery symbol was not showing).

I use the official FP usb-C cable and a Motorola adapter. I also tried an iPhone adapter, same issue.

Based on the reply of somebody on this topic, I tried to not completely insert the cable and indeed now it is charging, though very slow.

Hi Rob,

You would need a charger that supports Qualcomm’s Quick Charge 3.0 to properly quick charge your Fairphone. The iPhone adapter would not, not sure about the Motorola one.

Your phone’s screen will show whether it is charging fast or slow.

Best wishes,

Hi Thomas, thanks for the reply.

I’m quite sure the Motorola has quick charge capabilities. It looks exactly like this one: https://www.mobilesupplies.nl/motorola-snellader-usb-qc-3-0-fast-charging-spn5976a-zwart.html?channable=00a21c69640031333135394c&gclid=CjwKCAiAi_D_BRApEiwASslbJ8Db7sr8-nSaQbPLoa_jCTh6vkblMUx6zgZAtHbm3gUTc6llNeI4ihoC3mAQAvD_BwE

When I posted my comment, the phone was slow charging, while now - after disconnecting and connecting again 15 mins later by pushing the connector completely in - it is charging at normal speed (but not fast charge). However, 2 days ago, it was fast charging with this very same Motorola adapter… Any idea?


I had trouble with charging with my fairphone 3, tried everything and send it to the support where they change it. And have problems again…

The thing is the “Made to be open” design dosen’t make it really waterproof. Eveytime I make an outdoor activity including humidity (like swearing, rain, snow, …) then I have this charging problem. So I open it, remove the batery, put it in a warm place (on a radiator) for a while (one hour or so) and then it’s good again.

Hope it will help somebody.

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It’s not ideal to have to think about something like that, but if it was me I would consider using a sealable water-proof bag in this case rather than having to deal with a perfectly replicable charging problem.

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