FP3 custom rom development based on released source code

working on it.

Ah by the way the image @Claymore1297 ( uploaded by @k4y0z ) provided above for A.0105 is corrupt. When I compared them to mine, I noticed a mismatch in the “dsp” partition.
So I tried to manually apply the January 2020 update to the full image, with active checksum tests using the checksums in the signed payload.bin turned out my image for A.0105 was correct, while the one from the zipfile fails its Sha256 check.

The over the air update expects dsp partition to be
the one in

reads K4bYXDmSrwhYxLh4EeoJRoyOzggEi1fJuwj7hoO/Je8=

Interesting note: Applying the payload.bin via bindiff is not enough to get from an old full image to a new valid image. The update procedure on the phone does some funky stuff on the phone after applying the bindiff. So while the checksum tests integrated in the payload applier succeed, the resulting images are not identical to the full image after the update has been fully completed (including booting from the new version) <-<-that ended up being just padding zeroes. Manually patched image files are correct.

Edit: I updated GitHub - CorvusCorax/payload_dumper: Android OTA payload dumper to correctly patch and print checksums (both before and after patch) This allows verification of a system image if you have an OTA update that is based on it, since this includes signed checksums of each partition.

Edit: I requested dev access to androidfilehost, lets see if they approve it

In the meantime here is the correct dsp.img for A.105 dsp.img.zip.not_a.pdf (3.2 MB) (zipped and renamed to pdf to allow upload here)