I would not agree to that, at least if using amazon for advertisement purposes counts as partnering.
Fairphone already has partnered with Google (i.e. Android) in a much deeper sense as well
First of all I would not call marketing throough amazon partnering with the devil.
Second the targets of Fairphone can not be followed and reached all at the same time, as has been mentioned in this forum already more than once (e.g. here: Librem and FP). Changing Amazon to me seems not a priority right now.
If you want to change the market, you have to enter the market, whiich is hard to impossible not using advertisement. Living in a bubble of ones own might be feeling good, but in my opinion it is like waiting for the revolution come knocking at the door (i.e. not going to happen).
Placing FP as a cool phone for a broader market is really needed, as this will help selling more phones and by that achieving changes for the better all along the production chain as well as improving quality control and support.