FP2 reboots on mechanical pressure

I always interpreted the paper/carboard fix as pushing the battery towards the contacts, so a small strip between the edge of the compartment that is closest to the side of the phone where the blue latches for the display are located.


Makes sense. Will try.

Maybe you can get this fixed when using a pair of tweezers to gently realign the spring contacts. Cleaning the contacts of the phone and battery may help But of course the easier way would be to place a piece of paper at the proper place.

Thanks for your input. The contacts all look fine and there’s nothing to move at the spring contacts though…

Actually right now I can’t even really start the phone any more as it immediately shuts down after booting due to “low power”. No matter whether I use paper strips or not (tried one layer and two layers and the battery sat quite steady in there).

That will fix the “loose battery” problem only temporarily. As the contacts will be pushed away from the battery after some time again.


This sounds an awful lot like my FP2. It sometimes reboots upon pressure too: the battery is slightly loose in the screen-battery-cover direction, whereas it is pushed well against the contacts. I guess that’s why adding a piece of paper did not help.

I am experiencing severe battery drops as well. Up until now, I didn’t know whether those were software- or hardware-related as I’ve been playing around with the operating system (now running FP Open 16.10.0 with microG services core). However, my battery profiles look pretty much like yours.

As soon as it is suddenly draining again, I will test the hold-at-top-and-bottom-trick to manipulate the battery level. The battery drains are pretty unpredictable: I can go days without them and suddenly I can only use my phone for a few hours before the battery apparently drains. It seems to happen more often while the phone is in my pocket, which again might indicate a hardware problem.

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I think I also have this (or a similar) problem. For some days now, my FP2 reboots or shuts down when being in my pocket. I looked into the logs (e.g. /proc/last_kmsg), but there wasn’t any Kernel panic, so I think that it’s hardware-related.
I cleaned all contacts with some alcohol, and I found that the PCB of my bottom-module is slightly bent. I think the spring-contacts of the connector bent the PCB and this may now be the cause for the problem?!
Maybe anyone here can take a look at his bottom module. :slight_smile:
I’ll ask a friend of mine to swap the bottom-modules, and see if he gets reboots. :wink:

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Hi all,
I can confirm the reboot problem as well from my side. Jeans pocket pressure is one thing, a small drop (e.g. 10 cm down on the table) makes it also reboot. I also guessed it would be from the battery for a short timeframe losing contact. Annoying but not as annoying yet to take care about. But now it seems to me that it’s not only me having this issue.


Oh, I forgot that! Today in the morning, I dropped my FP2 while switching the alarm off from ~20 cm. It rebooted, that’s why I opened it immediately :wink:

… Except when the phone reboots in your pocket without You realising. Then You won’t be reachable until You enter your PIN.

Or if You quickly need to Check for train connections and it takes minutes to turn on the phone, especially when after The first reboot The screen does not respond and You have to reboot again :wink:

To the people that responded today: do you get the sudden battery drains that Husker and I are experiencing as well? Just to pinpoint whether we suffer from the same (hardware?) issue.

I don’t really mind the reboots as much as the unexpected battery drains.

retsifp, thanks for your input. Will check my bottom module as well tonight. I’m curious as to what will happen to your friend’s phone!

So, I don’t have the issue, but if putting pressure on the battery causes a contact problem, how about adding a sheet of paper or something underneath it to make it stay closer to the back cover?

OK, we swapped bottom modules, and it didn’t change anything! :sweat:
His bottom-module-PCB was bent similar to mine, so this obviously doesn’t matter.

I checked it before, and I thought this gap should be ok…

…but I gave it a shot with three layers of 80 g/m²-paper:

And that seemed to be it! :tada:
Reboots are gone so far, and some drop tests didn’t lead to reboots. :relaxed:

Thanks for the tips here! :slight_smile:


So in the last two weeks, I tried several ways to insert paper and none of them really worked. However, a few days ago, reboots ceased to happen and I had only two random reboots from then – no paper or anything inside, basically just the plain unchanged phone! I’m still worried that it will happen again so I contacted support. They will send me a replacement cover, hopefully that solves the problem. Thanks everyone for your input!

Did they explain why they believe a new cover will solve the issue? It doesn’t make sense to me unless the new (slim) covers somehow stabilize the battery.


That’s their answer

Thanks for your message, we’re sorry to hear that the back cover of your
Fairphone 2 has a factory fault. We are currently investigating why
this is happening in order to improve the production process of our back

We will be able to solve the problem you are experiencing by replacing your back cover.

It makes sense to me in a way as the problem did not appear before I had the deformation of the back cover around the volume buttons and maybe the cover is deformed in other ways, too.[quote=“paulakreuzer, post:21, topic:23010”]
It doesn’t make sense to me unless the new (slim) covers somehow stabilize the battery.
They are going to send me one of the standard covers so I won’t know if slim covers work any better.

unbelievable but true! It works 100% I have lived the last 48 hours without crash, so far it was so that I had at least three crashes a day! After I have tried the total of the paper. Nothing, no matter what I try the Fairphone 2 reboots not! Mega Why study when it is so easy! :wink: easy play easy win! If only it were always so! Now it is a really great product !!!

unglaublich aber wahr! es funktioniert 100% ich habe die letzten 48 Stunden ohne Absturz gelebt, bisher war es so das ich mindestens drei abstürzte am Tag hatte! nachdem ich das totale des Papiers ausprobiert habe. nichts, egal was ich versuche das Fairphone 2 rebootet nicht! mega! warum studieren wenn es so einfach ist! :wink: easy play easy win! wenn es nur immer so wäre! jetzt ist es ein richtig tolles Produkt!!!

Danke für den Tipp mit dem Papier!


:de: Hallo an Alle

Zu diesem Thema und dem “Papiertipp” habe ich vor kurzem mal was bemerkt. Und zwar habe ich mehrere Akkus davon einen den ich bisher noch nicht benutzt habe er ist also eigentlich noch fast wie er geliefert wurde. An diesem Akku fiel mir beim letzten mitnehmen auf das er sehr locker saß im vergleich zu anderen. Als ich die Akkus verglich sah ich das am lockeren Akku ein schwarzes Plastikteil fehlte! Dieses war abgefallen und befand sich in meiner Tasche. (wie gesagt der Akku wurde bisher nicht viel benutzt er ist eigentlich noch original) Hätte ich nur diesen einen Akku besessen wäre mir nicht aufgefallen das etwas fehlt. Das schwarze Teil kann man so man es noch findet wieder auf den Akku kleben - dann hält der akku wieder super sicher. Ich zeige euch jetzt mal in einem Bild wie dieses Teil aussieht:

Seite gegenüber Kontakte

Seite gegenüber Kontakte markiert

Seite der Kontakte

Sollte euer Akku nicht mit einem schwarzen Plastikteil (gegenüber der Kontakteseite) enden dann ist da was falsch. Auch wenn die Kontakteseite anders aussieht stimmt da was nicht und dann sitzt der Akku locker.

:gb: Hello @all

I read manytimes about this “Paper-Solution” and then i seen something waht can be the issue for this problem. I have more than one accu, one of them i usually never used befor so it is still like i became it. There i see a problem … some part was missing! It was a smal black piece on the other Side of the contakts. I found it in my pocket and i could repair it but if this were my only akku i wouldn´t seen any diference. After the missing part is back the accu fits much better. I show you this part in pictures:

the other side should look like this

the other sinde marked

the contact side looks like this

Maybe this could help to geht the Problem fixed. If the accu do not look like this pic please try to contact the support and get maybe a new accu.


Mine does exactly look as your picture, but I had the problem and fixed it with some layers of paper. :wink:

But it’s a nice finding! Maybe some more people do not have the black piece and reboots due to that.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Slim Case - Reboots and Button-Issues