FP2 random reboots - see #rebootsguide for help

As @Jon1 said, we have taken note of this issue and are investigating it with some devices.

We’ll post back once we now more.


I have the same issue with my FP1. Had it send to support they replace the motherboard I believe. It was better for a while, but now it is happening all over again. On average: 1 or 2 times a day.

Hi, I’m on my second Fairphone 2 now, the original problem was SIM related, but this new one is rebooting at least twice a day so far. Once this evening playing a game, before that using iPlayer radio. Games seem worse though.

First two weeks in use and no random reboots, then yesterday 4 of them within a span of two hours… I haven’t made changes to configuration and apps recently, nor used it in a different way. scrolling down in a screen might be a trigger…

Hey Guys, same Prob here… rebooting all the time, no chance to even save a new contact. i just switched it of and wait untill support responds on my mails… hope it will be soon, because otherwise i have to revoke the contract…

btw: it happend already when no SIM was put in.

also did reset the wohle phone, still the same, so it was no app. i m a noob with technical stuff, thats all i could do.

at least i m glad that its not just me and bad carma



I have the same problem like the people above. My FP2 crashes and then reboots about 2 times a day. Today for example when taking a photo and a few hours later, when trying to type a SMS-message. So it seems it not very uncommon and also quite random. I hope we can get a fix soon. I don’t like getting a new one, don’t want to install all over again…

Hi there,

my phone does it too. I have started an device exchange on support. Now I stay tuned while waiting for a new or repaired phone. But will it be an special edition too?


HI Tom, I was sent another special edition.

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Posted at FP2 Frequent crashes requiring reboot by holding power button >10s yesterday because the topics seem pretty the same:

my FP2 crashed / restarted itself today 5 times (within 3hours range).
Id never happend before and started today just right after I switched the 4G/3G mode to my second SIM Card.
After switching it back to the “old” SIM card it worked fine again.
So in my case its definitely caused by one of my SIM cards and the data transfer with 4G/3G.

Age of SIMs: working one: 1month, non working one: 1 year


Ich habe nun mein FP2 seit vier Tagen und ich kenne das Problem auch.
Erst friert der Bildschirm ein, entweder beim Fotografieren oder beim Surfen oder bei anderen Gelegenheiten bei denen ich das FP2 verwende, dann startet es neu. Ich verwende es nicht sehr oft, jedoch kommt es täglich 4 bis 5 mal vor. Wer hat einen Tipp zur Lösung des Problems?

I also got my phone replaced by Fairphone. This second one doesn’t have the reboot issue so far (3 days of use)
Let’s See if it stays that way. I think it was Software related, but Fairphone is into investigating the real cause.
The support was really Good!

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Same here! I even got my green LED light working!!! I don’t know about any other colours though…

The led colour issue should be fixed with the next update.

First random reboot of my week old FP2 today, whilst charging. My FP1 used to reboot all the time.

Is this being worked on by Fairphone? It’s not on the Software issue report yet, is that because they think it’s hardware or because they don’t think it’s a big enough issue? It seems that enough people are experiencing it, both phones I’ve had do it at least once a day sometimes more.

It’s also not on the forum bug list, though IMHO it could be included there now, as it has turned out to be an issue for quite some people. What do you think, @paulakreuzer?



actually I can’t wait to get my Fairphone because since about half a year I got the very same issue on my Samsung S3. No matter what Kernel or what system I flash, it reboots about 10 times a day in average.
So, the Fairphone is not the only phone being affected, I only hope mine will not be… :confused:

I’ve got often reboots when connecting to a charger (tried different ones - power pack, ac, usb power port of laptop).

Me too Georg_k, either reboots or freezes when attached to a charger.

I really think that it has something to do with overheating but that’s just me… :wink: