FP2 open/21.12.0-rel.1/App: Galerie/Menu/Poorly visible (black writing on a grey background)

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OS: FP2 open/21.112.0-rel.1
App: Gallery
Problem: Menu is difficult to see


when I open the menu in the app “Gallery” (by tapping on the three dots row in the first screen “Albums”) a menu appears with black writing on a dark grey background. This is difficult to read - not at all in sunlight. The last menu line offers the menu item “Settings” (when coming out of the first screen). When I tap on this menu item “Settings”, a completely black screen appears (apart from the icons in the header and footer), so I cannot find a way to change the font colour or background.

I would appreciate any helpful advice!

OS: FP2 offen/21.112.0-rel.1
App: Galerie
Problem: Menü ist schlecht sichtbar


wenn ich das Menü in der App “Galerie” aufrufe (indem ich im ersten Bildschirm “Alben” auf die drei Punkte-Reihe tippe) erscheint ein Menü mit schwarzer Schrift auf dunkelgrauem Grund. Dieses ist schwer lesbar - bei Sonnenlicht gar nicht. Die letzte Menüzeile bietet den Menüpunkt “Einstellungen” (wenn man aus dem ersten Bildschirm kommt). Wenn ich auf diesen Menüpunkt “Einstellungen” tippe, dann erscheint ein komplett schwarzer Bildschirm (abgesehen von den Symbolen in der Kopf- und Fußzeile), so daß ich keinen Weg finde die Schriftfarbe oder den Hintergrund zu ändern.

Über ein hilfreichen Ratschlag würde ich mich freuen!

The gallery app on Fairphone Open doesn’t have any settings, that’s why you don’t see anything on that screen. The menu item will be removed with the next update as it’s not useful at all.
I haven’t checked on 21.12.0-rel.1 specifically but the menu text is also readable in the next version.

Any particular reason you’re interested in the settings, or just because of the font color issue?


Hallo lucaweiss,

wow, what a quick and competent answer!

I was just hoping to be able to configure the layout of the font in the “Settings” menu item to make it readable and thus usable. I hadn’t looked for other ways to configure something else, and I can’t think of any other useful ones at the moment.

I hope the readability then also applies to the menu items that are displayed when I tap on the three dot line while viewing the single selected image (e.g. to edit the image).

After you have advised the readability, I look forward to the next version already with joy!


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