Many Thanks for the solution. I have successfully quickfixed the problem without using the closed source app Clock_Offset_Fix_2.2.apk like you mentioned in your later post
Here is my short description for building the two necessary scripts manually as alternative to the second point of your description:
Alternative replacement of second point (“Open the “Clock Offset Fix” app …”):
For the technically inclined (and as diverse approaches have been discussed in this thread), can you give some insight on how this was fixed? (Maybe with a link to the relevant source changes.) That’d be much appreciated.
I’ll ask the devs. If it is not to much work, I am sure they will post it here. But it might be a while because they are really, seriously very busy at the moment.
Updated the phone to security patch 05.01.2017
23.02.2017, 09:22
Turned off wifi
Turned off cell data
Turned off phone
Took out battery
Wait 5 seconds
Put battery back in
Start phone
Boot successful
EDIT 23.02.2017 09:57
Turn off wifi
Turn off cell data
Reboot without taking out the battery It works!
Learning: Clock forgets time if you take out the phone battery and cannot get it from the cell network. Clock requires an internet connection to set itself automatically."
My first phone was an Ericsson SH-888, from 1998, I believe. It was able to set its clock just by network radio.
It’s fixed for me now on 17.02. I skipped 17.01 because my FP2 was headless and lying in my furniture.
I guess they fixed the certificate/permissions issue I looked into some time ago. The app package was one of the Qualcomm’s blobs, so they might had to contact them (as blobs are closed-source). I don’t know.