FP Open OS: Clock resets after reboot

Clock Reset After reboot workaround

Warning: It works on my phone but I cannot guarantee that it will work on yours. I have now tested it under a different timezone while travelling and it works. You do this at your own risk and nobody will pay your ticket if you miss your train or plane in the morning! :wink:

Thanks to @Roboe for pointing in the right direction!


OK, lets go for it:

  • Make sure your FP2 shows the proper time.
  • Open the “Clock Offset Fix” app and click on "Install offset and initscript"
    Important: This fix does not update the offset-file regularly so you will have to update it by clicking on “Install Offset” whenever you have “cold started” your phone (removed the battery).
  • Open “Kernel Adiutor” and go to the “init.d” section (listed under "tools)
  • Enable init.d support (slider to the right and pink)
  • click on the + sign to add a new script
  • call the script rtcfix, your horses name or whatever you like, but no special characters.
  • Simply add the following line to the script (leave the #!/system/bin/sh as it is):
  • Save and you are cooked !
  • You can check the script by tapping on the entry in the init.d section. It should show the current time as result.

Test your setup:

  • WiFi off
  • Mobile Data Off
  • Aeroplane Mode On or remove SIM
  • Wrap your phone in tin foil if you want to be really really sure it does not get the time from outside. :slight_smile:
  • Shutdown phone
  • Start phone again
  • Things going well Kernel Adiutor will set the time after approx. 10 seconds (the default delay) plus boot time. :+1: