FP 2/3/... Modules & Wishlist meta discussion

So you want a phone with a hump? :smiley:


Or a huge battery with a hump :smiley:

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I remember such batteries for older HTC and Samsungs :slight_smile: They came with a new back cover and were very popular…


I had to research for a picture because I couldn’t really imagine how this would look.

Here it is:


This one should be obvious: Future updates to the modules with (then) current components (i.e. better camera, faster processor, more RAM, etc.)


You are right, that’s probably obvious, but thanks for pointing it out.

I also added E-reader display and solar panel for power saving purposes.


Maybe a back with a built in flip-cover.


10 posts were split to a new topic: E-ink/e-reader dual/alternative screen (from modules wishlist)

Would an infrared emitter/sensor back cover be possible? You could use your phone for TVs, sound systems and other stuff :smiley:


It could be nice if there are an alternative mainboard (the central part of the phone) with a totally open chipset. I am sure that this kind of chipset could be lesser powerful if compared to a closed one, but I think that it could be very interesting for a lot of (advanced) users.


@deedend Are you talking about open hardware or about hardware that supports open/free software?
In the first case do you know of a open hardware chipset? In the second case: We don’t know yet how open/closed the source code for the FP2 will be. There is a chance that we will be able to install all kinds of FOSS operating systems on the FP2, so let’s wait until we know more.

@huskers Sorry I meant to answer you sooner: Are you talking about a remote-control with real keys on the back cover? Wouldn’t it be better/easier to simply add a infrared sensor and make an app that can be used as a remote control?


That’s what I meant. Didn’t think about the exact meaning of the English ‘remote control’ when I wrote that post :slight_smile:

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[quote=“paulakreuzer, post:24, topic:6846, full:true”]
@deedend Are you talking about open hardware or about hardware that supports open/free software?
In the first case do you know of a open hardware chipset? In the second case: We don’t know yet how open/closed the source code for the FP2 will be. There is a chance that we will be able to install all kinds of FOSS operating systems on the FP2, so let’s wait until we know more.[/quote]

I refer at this answer of Paul Kocialkowski at an user that ask him if there will be a Replicant version for Fairphone; the alternatives could be i.MX6, OMAP4/5 or Allwinner.


I also would appreciate if there will be a fairphone variant with a hardware keyboard (like a integrated slider) in future. It’s much more convenient than a external bluetooth keyboard (or any other wireless connectivity). Especially on travel it’s essential.


I have the feeling that we don’t nearly exploit the full creative potential that the modularity and expandability of Fairphone 2 offer.

Don’t get me wrong: I like the wishlist above and see many sensible wishes. However I deem all of them standard or even boring. Are we not able to come with more creative stuff? :wink:


Like what? A kitchen machine module? A lightsaber module? A teleportation module?



If I knew, I would suggest something awesome and not whine.

This seems like a very good start. Maybe a little impractical though :wink:

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Pretty easy for me.

Module list

  • A connector that can be easily exchanged (“USB-C module”)
  • A camera, the only thing with a blob from f#@!!#ing Sony, but they work well. I think this is the only thing with a blob really needed on a smartphone due to patents.
  • If needed (I won’t) a new chip from the SDxxx range, but I don’t think that is necessary.



@Paulkreuzer: You seem to have investigated a lot about this: What IS the Status of the exchangability of the FP2 components? When in 2018 a 20MP camera is standard, might it be possible that one can be bought? More important: might the mainboard&processor be exchangeable for a newer one (I accept that it would have to be one from FAIRPHONE)? IMO this is the most important reason why people abandon their old smartphone.