At the moment you have to follow this procedure
I know that it is a little bit complicated for a person that is not a developer.
However, you need Linux or Mac OS X.
The basic steps are
git clone git:// && cd B2G // cloning the repository ./ fairphone2 // configuring the build cd B2G ./ -j2 // building 30-60 minutes ./ // installing the build into the device
Several developers said that they already built the system I’m building it and I will provide a link for download so you can follow only the final step
I just installed the Firefox OS launcher - which by the way works a lot better on FP2 than on FP1 - and now I can’t wait to get Firefox OS running on my FP2.
Oops, then I have been falsely informed. I apologize for the misleading news.
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4 posts were merged into an existing topic: No more FirefoxOS?
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