Fairphone Support not available anymore?

Hello all,

did you have been recently in contact with the Fairphone support? I sent in a pair of fairbuds beginning of Dezember and since then they do not answer any questions about the case.
Seems the support is closed. Do you have any informations?
Best regards Christian

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How did you contact support? Did they tell you to send the Fairbuds in or did you do that on your own behalf?
As far as I know support is still available, best via chat.

I sent it in via Cordon Electronics according to the official instructions.
I contacted them via email several times in the same way the support contacted me.

Hello, the Support is very much available but the response times are long.
Still, I have had a good experience.

From what you said, I understood the Support asked you to send in the fairbuds and the repair/assessment is done by Cordons, so I would assume the process has not been completed.
I would suggest reaching to Cordon and/or Support via chat.

Good luck

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Welcome a board, like you I have troubles with my FP5 and for 3 weeks I don’t have any answer from support of Fairphone, and my Fairphone is only 8 mouths old, normally under the warranty. My opinion Fairphone is “smartphone brand to avoid”
I spend to much time (3 weeks) to fix problems I never get it.
Of course I gabage the smartphone and I would never sell it even to my worst enemy.
I choose Samsung, I cannot change anything but I don’t need and every thing works perfectly.
Good luck.

no need to send it to garbage, I pay you the postage and will look at it or if available in your area donate it to a Fairphone Heaven. Infos here fairphoneangels