Fairphone just isn't fair to its customers

I’ll break down my comment about this:

I’d say it’s actually the other way around: FP users are generally less technology affine than other smartphone users. A substantial number of users have bought their first ever smartphone with the Fairphone and they are usually older than the average 1st world person when they have their first smartphone (and we all know it’s easier to learn things the younger you are).

I don’t think you need to be very tech savvy to post a question in this forum. I don’t mean to offend anybody but it seems many people manage to post here without even knowing how to search the forum (judging by the 80+ topics created about the privacy impact bug - you can see the topics that link to it in the right column.)

Even though I disagree with your premise I come to the same conclusion. :thumbsup:

Totally agree too.

I understand your frustration with the slow support. I can only repeat what has been said in this forum a thousand times: To get a response faster call the support team or post here.

You can join the beta testers if you want to be involved more and know what bugs will be fixed soon.