Fairphone 4 to PC USB connection

Good morning everyone! I have a problem with my Fairphone 4. I bought an HP PC with Windows 11 and when I connect my Fairphone 4 via USB connection to the PC I am told that it is not recognized due to a driver problem. I did the test with another PC running Windows 10 and my Fairphone 4, and I have not encountered any problems. I tried another phone with the new HP Windows 11 PC and found no problems. Apparently, to my ignorance, I deduce that the problem lies in the driver or something else of my Fairphone 4. Please ask if anyone can give me an indication on how to fix this problem. thanks :pray:

Hi. The computer system didn’t ask you to search the driver on internet? Another question: how did you set the USB connection: file transfer or something else?
…I can’t reproduce the error in my HP with Windows 11 Pro: file transfer on the phone and I can find the folders in the notebook.

Here it is mine notebook setting (driver):

Don’t remeber if this was alredy in the computer or if I had to install it.

Hello and thanks for your attention. I tried to update and it was already updated, I put file transfer from F4, I tried troubleshooting from the PC but … Nothing in sight. Now I will try to compare what appears to me in the driver properties with yours.

There are depths of update. I’ll add some links:

Ho provato un altro cavo e mi rileva F4 solo con App Duet Display ma non in cartella file, quindi non riesco a vedere dentro il mio Fa.
Poi ho controllato proprietà drive e mi è uscito questo:

Se poi rimetto il cavo di F4 lunga vita mi compare questo:
Immagine 2022-09-06 005851

Ciao Nico, se altri non ti danno una soluzione, oggi pomeriggio riaccendo il portatile e ricontrollo.

Hi @Nicoventu, if there are no solution in the meantime, I’ll try again with my notebook this afternoon.

Forse puoi ricercare un nuovo hardware da qui:
Maybe you can try to install new hardware from here:


C’è anche una pagina ufficiale di Fairphone, se non l’hai già vista:
You can alse check here, if you didn’t yet:


Infine, come suggerito nella pagina di Fairphone, se ancora il telefono non è rilevato, puoi installare i driver generici ADB (link dalla pagina qui sopra).
At the end, like FP suggests, if the phone is not yet found, try to install the generic ADB drivers (link from the page above).

Ok ci siano , alla fine ho reimpostato Windows 11 del PC e ora riconosce F4. Vedremo per quanto. Grazie!

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