Fairphone 4 revealed?

I guess yes …


Logical order of events:
Announce new phone
Retire old phone
Fairphone PR department:

Until now, only the FP3 is discontinued, this step was overdue anyway, it should had been done, as the FP3+ hit the market, which is just a modified FP3.


But the FP3+ is out of stock, so you cannot order any phone at Fairphone currently…

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Still no hint or proof for a FP4 soon.


Since Fairphone get the phones produced in batches, that can happen and isn’t anything new.

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Right, who is going to order a FP3+ now when there are rumors about a FP4, although not officially acknowledged?

People who don’t operate like that, obviously.
If the only thing taken away from the FP3+ is that it might not be the newest Fairphone anymore anytime soon … some people might just not care about that, as long as it’s still a fit for their needs.


A new device might have another five years support when it hits the market, so I would see this as a strong argument to wait with the order…


Of course it would also be reasonable to wait just to have a look at what the new device might be like, but Fairphone’s history hints at something differently sized … not everybody finds the Fairphone 3+ too small or too large.

In any case, I’m pretty convinced they won’t sell zero Fairphone 3+ for the time being :wink: .

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Fairphone 4: Fair smartphone soon with 5G support & Android 11

Yeah, that much is known.

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