Fairphone 3- Canada

Your cousin as the consignor must now submit a search request with the shipping document.

I don’t know, exactly when the parcel was shipped, but I would wait a bit longer than just one week before searching for something shipped overseas.
One never knows, how long it might be lying around in customs.
In my Taiwan case customs must have taken around two weeks. And the back cover for a FP2 is nothing one would consider suspicious or dangerous. Therfore special examination can hardly be a reason for delaying such an item.

A simple package to Canada took 4 weeks to arrive. I was told the customs play a big part in the delays.
In the package a back of a Fairphone 1.

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We did that, and it seems that it’s still in Germany, it took them one week to go from East to West of Frankfurt!
I also contacted Vireo and they said they’d shipped it to Canada but only with Fedex, as FP batteries are considered dangerous :expressionless: Now I don’t know what’s going to happen with my package in Germany.

Thanks @AnotherElk. We requested a follow up, and they said it’s still in Germany :frowning:


Really … stop worrying for now.
Since your cousin sent the parcel using the powerpoint presentation, they knew what she was sending and accepted it. So just give it more time.
My guess would be, that FedEx simply is less expensive for a company like vireo and not that they accept parcels, that DHL Express does not. They deliver the phones inside Europe as well (Fairphone themselves is using DHL Express). And the major difference is national delivery or international (overseas is not another category).
It just might be, that FedEx would have been faster, but I really doubt it, as customs is a world of it’s own.

@BertG Thanks! You now know I’m the drama queen :-)))
To be honest, it’s not that I’m worried, I’m just annoyed and frustrated that it could have been sent by Express or Fedex, and now it’s depending on how two Local posts do their job (Deutsche one and the Canadian one). And then next month is gonna be crazy in here, due to Christmas and all shipping, so I really hope that it’s not lost, and it gets to me in 1-piece.
The thing is that the power point was for Express ,and the vireo person said that the lithium battery of FP3 is considered dangerous, so other posts won’t send it.
I just don’t it to be returned back to my cousin, after months of nothingness in Germany, if I know it gets to me eventually, then I’ll be calm and peaceful :smiley:

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Ok, so the phone got bqck to Hannover, where my cousin lives, but it’s not returned back to her yet. This means DHL won’t ship it, and I did lots of research, and it seems there no DHL express for package shipping to Canada!
I probably need to return the phone to Vireo and buy again from them so they can ship it with Fedex. :frowning:
And the problem with returning is that everything is in German, and have to figure it out.

i think dhl express is only availiable in germany

if you want to send international wit hexpress, you should take DHL EXPRESSEASY INTERNATIONAL

or the normal DHL international

I am sooooo sorry for you, and that I might have misled you, since my information seems to have been incomplete. I just didn’t kno better. Now I have some more information (they might still be incomplete).
It seems, that DHL Express is a business service only and that @LuBo is correctly pointing out ExpressEasy as the solution for private customers.

The website states, that sending parcels outside the EU using ExpressEasy can not be done via the local DHL stores.
They offer two possibilities:

The reason is, that any goods shipped outside the EU have to be handled by customs and might be taxed as well.
They have a (German) leaflet on “Easy through customs”

:uk: Here is an english Homepage on MyDHL+

Unfortunately I did not find any information on sending hazardous goods; as DHL Express is offering this service, I guess, MyDHL+ will do so as well. Even mor so, since this service in general seems to be directed at business customers, but accepts private customers as well.

MyDHL+ can be done online. Printing a label and arranging a date for picking up the parcel. There is a How To - Quick Guide (German)

Thanks dear @BertG. You shouldn’t be sorry, it’s no ones fault, except me :expressionless: It seems that return policy of Vireo is 14 days, so that’s out, cause it’s already 12 days passed :frowning:
Th tax and duty is another matter, cause I paid the VAT, and it’s crazy if I have to pay the tax in here as well. Viero does not seem to charge for VAT when sending to Canada. I’m still pissed at my self why I didn’t know they ship here.
Regarding DHL, I’m worried the same thing happens. Vireo employee told me they only send with Fedex, as battery of Fairphone is considered dangerous, so I really don’t want to pay another 100EU to aweful DHL, and they return it again.
And Fedex is so out of Hannover, I cannot ask my cousin to go there. So my level of frustration is over the moon now! :-/

EXPRESSEasy seems to only ship document to Canada.
We used DHL international, and that’s why it got returned.

I really understand your caution, still…
MyDHL+ is an online-tool of DHL Express.
The URL of the hompage is MyDHL+ Hilfe - Tipps & Tricks | DHL Express and the path on that page reads:

  • Geschäftskunden → Express → Infos & Know-How → Onlinetools → MyDHL+

And DHL Express is used by FP to send their phones (although just inside EU).
Therefore my expectation would be, that it would work that way.

Regarding FedEX:
They do offer the pick-up service as well, if I get this right.
That would mean, that your cousin would not need to bring it to the next ServicePoint, but could wait at home or office for FedEX to come and collect it.
Regarding dangerous goods you will find their terms and conditions here:
and some general overview here:
and here:

From the last page:

Lithium Batteries Section II (ELB)
Four commodities are covered:

2. Lithium Ion contained in equipment (UN 3481 - Packing Instruction 967).

There is more information on sending LiIon-batteries in a IATA leaflet:

This should explain the packaging instructions (and - unfortunately - sooo much more).
A shorter overview is presented in this leaflet (by DHL):

Thanks a lot Bert. That’s really nice of you to find all these documents.
It’s just so complicated. I’m really hoping that I can return it back to Vireo or find a traveler coming to Canada from Germany, cause shipping this seems to be super complicated, especially that I have to ask some one else to do it for me.

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I also checked my DHL+, but again I’m not sure if they do it. I checked so manyo f these guideline before shipping, and I figured out that no label is required if the battery is contained in the Phone. I also talked to dangerous good specialist in US. But some of these guideline says it needs one, so I’m really confused,

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I thought I had a comment here but got disappeared. I finally got my beautiful FP3 in my hand, after going through Canadian custom, to explain what FP3 means :-)))
So far so good, and a t works perfectly with my Canadian Carrier .
Thanks everyone for all the support and guidance.


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