FAIRPHONE 3 and 3+ A13 - Fingerprint sensor update

You can use the following app as an alternative to digitales Amt, which allows PIN authentication: TAN-App Aktivierung


If you have already switched to ID Austria, this is not working anymore. And A-Trust told me, that the “Handysignatur” will only work until autumn 2023. Not sure about that though.

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Information I got from A-Trust in German regarding “Digitales Amt”

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Thanks a lot, that does seem to work!

Yes handysignatur will be turned down, but for me the A-Trust app works with the ID Austria!
On their website it even says:
Verknüpfen Sie Ihr Smartphone mit der ID Austria, Handy-Signatur oder xIDENTITY (EU-Identity Mobile).


Unfortunately, the link was marked as spam even though it presents a solution to the problem discussed here. I am trying again like this: TAN-App Aktivierung (this is not advertising for the company, it’s the company that manages Austria ID)

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I have the same problem. It is a major issue as this App is from the Austrian Government and not replacable.


Thank you for the link.
I tried the app a few days ago and it supports PIN authorization. But there is a catch. You need to set up the biometric function of your phone for the linking to work. But as the phone is considered as having weak security you can not link the app to your account. And we are back at square 0.

Today I ordered my FIDO tokens. I am curious, if linking those works without my biometrics. Only time will tell. But I have little hope.


Sent e-mail to Digitales Amt. :white_check_mark:


I find that very weird, i have just connected the A-Trust App yesterday and it was working fine…
I have not used the QR code when connecting the app, i was using the Token instead. Maybe that makes a difference.

Hi @gresman , thanks. I can’t edit the wiki, seems locked.
Clarifying the handling of each app here

  • Twint prepaid (Switzerland) - Disables feature fallback to PIN
  • Alternative Bank Schweiz (Switzerland) - Already reported on the wiki page
  • Swisscard AECS (Switzerland) - Disables feature fallback to password
  • Sanitas Portal (Switzerland) - Disables feature fallback to password+SMS

You can edit it now, I changed your TrustLevel to allow you to edit it

Dear @mikiballester ,

thanks a lot for the detailed explanations.
What I don’t however find in these explanations or in the forum answers, is whether the lack of compliance to Android CDD for class “Strong” is

  1. a physical HW limitation (inability to reach [C-3-3] spoof and imposter acceptance rate not higher than 7% for instance), in which case it is clearly a HW obsolescence issue.

  2. Or if the lack of compliance is due to a lack of firmware upgrade only, as you seem to mention.
    In this case, as firmware is a kind of low-level software, it may theoretically be produced to generate the outputs required by the higher security specification.

I really appreciate the huge efforts taken by Fairphone to provide long-term SW support on the FP3 HW generation. But could these efforts go an extra mile with the OEM vendor for developing an updated firmware ? Has the OEM vendor disappeared ? Broken relationships with Fairphone ?
What could we do, as a community, to support efforts in this direction ? Would you consider a crowd-funding project ? Or a community coding project ?


I just got my FidoKey and surprisingly registration with ID Austria was very easy. It works perfectly fine, I just need a Labtop or a PC. It doesn’t work with the Fairphone though. You said that I should get a second key. Can I do the same procedure with a second key? Or is it more difficult when having a second one? Thanks a lot for your help. Do you do very registration on both of your keys then?

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Isn’t it the point of all this entire thing? We were told that we could replace only the parts that don’t work any more. In this case the sensor became obsolete. And we should accept the fact that our otherwise perfectly functional device lost some of its feature. Just like Apple buyers out there.

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You are right - it works with the “Handysignatur-App”. I am totally surprised.

Did you have the token registered beforehand?
I will definitely keep you updated once they arrive and i can register them.

You mean apart from the points of more fair sourcing of raw materials and more fairness towards workers?

While I believe Fairphone should have handled this much better in the presence, I also believe they didn’t have a working crystal ball in the past to be able to know several years ago that this particular issue would come up.

For some purposes, the importance of which varies individually from total dealbreaker (very unfortunate) to total non-issue (very fortunate).

Your choice whether to accept it or not.
LineageOS didn’t lose the feature, and together with MindTheGapps and a relocked bootloader … who knows.


Just to make this clear:

I love my fairphone and I would like to use it for as long as possible. Not having a functional fingerprint sensor is, however, a dealbreaker. I am one of the users impacted by the problem with the Goverment App of Austria (Digitales Amt), but I also use quite a few banking apps and I assume that security demands of the future will be higher, not lower.

To the “Angels” telling us that we just have to put up with this or that we should switch to Lineage OS, etc.:

No, we do not. While I love what Fairphone is doing, I am not willing to go through a 3rd-rate user-experience to support the company. My phone should not just randomly lose functionality with an update. If I switch to LOS now, there is no guarantee that functionality will stay the same in the future. Baking apps and other security sensitive apps are essential for many users and there is no telling which of my apps might require a fingerprint sensor in the future or just stop working with LOS.

I will, for now, try and stay on Android 11. If and when that becomes impossible, I will buy a new phone. But I will not reward this very sad situation by buying a Fairphone.

Last point: I will GLADLY buy a new Fingerprint module if that somehow solves the problem and can be provided by Fairphone.


Sadly this is a dealbreaker for me, it’s nonsense to describe the fingerprint sensor as an optional convenience when you have apps that require it. One of our office security apps mandates the fingerprint sensor and has no password alternative, I already knew this would be my last fairphone but I thought I would get more time out of it.