Fairphone 2 beta program signup instructions

Same for me, I quote 100% what @paulakreuzer wrote :smile:

I’d only suggest to the moderators (if possible) to let all the other users to have read-only access to the beta-testing section, if they want simply read posts, without participate to the program (and if they’re interested in getting some information about current beta state).

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Naah, I deliberately try not to get involved at the current moment, trying to work here. Spending far to much time on the forum already. (Damn, what am I doing here? It just feels too friendly and rewarding to drop by at least every other day… should… resist… work… to… do… :wink: )

Interesting idea. Could be worth a shot. @anon12454812, what do you think?


I’d also be interested to read about your experiences, both with the
processes and results in beta-testing FPOS. Not possible if there is a
NDA, of course.


As mentioned before, there is no NDA.
So far there have been two beta releases. I skipped the initial release because I read about a lot of people having problems installing the Google apps. Installing the second release was completely hassle free for me. But to be honest, so far every FP update has been without any problems for me.

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Just received my FP1 back from support. Since I would have to set up all system parts and then restore all apps anyway - and so put some time and effort in getting everyting as I want it to be - I feel like I can as well join the beta test. Yay. \o/

Just wrote the mail - I’ll probably be joining you guys soon…


I am ready to take part in the beta program.

Did you read the original post?

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