European Parliament calls for 'right to repair' and wants to ban planned obsolescence

Today the European Parliament is discussing its report ‘Towards a more sustainable single market for business and consumers’.

If adopted on Wednesday and then taken on board by the European Commission, this could pave the way to a more sustainable industry and benefits for consumers.

‘Since the largest part of a product’s carbon footprint is attributable to the manufacturing process, it is essential that we rethink our manufacturing system and move towards truly sustainable products. Smartphones are a well-known case in point: 80 % of a device’s carbon footprint is generated during its manufacture and only 15 % of phones are collected and recycled at the end of their life.’

The European Parliament wants to ban ‘practices aimed at intentionally shortening the lifetime of a product, such as preventing repair at the design stage or causing a slowdown in performance after a software update (planned obsolescence), and preventing greenwashing.

Another relevant point for is that the Parliament insists that the Commission take account of it’s decisions concerning the establishment of a common charger system, in order to reduce production volumes and electronic waste.

Similar attempts to improve legislation have been blocked by industry lobby before

See draft report European Parliament

The (often plain and boring) plenary discussions on this file can be followed live here today (23/11/2020 at 17:00):

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: European Commission announces plan for collection, reuse and repair of mobile phones