/e/ for FP3 (Google free OS)

dunno, i installed the real applications for nerly everything now anyways because the /e/-branded ones are all somewhat outdated versions

First of all, you don’t need an /e/ account. And then, having that and the /e/ branded apps is basically an important part of their mission. Providing an eco system that’s as easy to use like Google’s, just without tracking and proprietary stuff.

Sure, that might not be what you want. Then just wait for Lineage OS…


For some /e/ applications this might be the case e.g. the notes app that defaults to the /e/ server.
But for other apps i don’t really get it e.g. the task app: The account is not created within the task app but in the settings dialoge anyway, and the /e/ acount should also be recognized by a vanilla OpenTasks install

@Ingo Right, that’s a good point, of course…

I hope that LOS development for the FP3 will speed up now that /e/ published their kernel and device tree on their Gitlab instance.


And original post in Fairphone blog:

Discussion about partnership here:


I wonder if this is really their official bug-tracker. I see only one single issue for the FP3 in total. You have participated in the beta-phase right? Do you have any insights?

I found that, but it should be possible through the ui. Be the deaktivate button is greyed out on most apps.

You can install another launcher like Lawnchair and everything is good again (one of the first things I did).

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Additionally: Uninstalling that way only delets the app for the current user, so it does not work for example to install Opentasks afterwards.

Yeah, I’m also a little unsure how they handle their issues. For the beta testing we were working with spreadsheet test plans to ensure all aspects were tested. Any other findings where exchanged in a closed group and /e/ staff created issues internally.

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It’s not Fairphone open, but finally an alternative degoogled OS for the Fairphone 3 : /e/ for FP3 has just been released!!
We can even order a preinstalled /e/ fairphone 3 (or some other models)! (here)
We can also flash it ourself of course.
I got /e/ installed on fairphone 2 and beside the launcher, I like it very much. It’s not a big deal as the launcher can easly be changed.

[Edit by Ingo]: I moved your post and the responses here, because they are about /e/ and not FP Open OS


VolvoX it’s definitely interesting!
Anyway I can’t find many informations on the supported applications, for instance, do you know if the F-Droid ‘repository’ is supported?
That was the case with Fairphone Open on the FP2s (and 1), and there are a couple of ‘must-have’ apps over there for me, like Signal and OsmAnd.
Any info on ths would be dearly appreciated!
(10mn later)
Indeed F-Droid runs on it, and also one can install directly APKs, like the one for Signal (that in fact is not on F-Droid)
So it is an even more excellent news :smiley:


@Herve5: F-Droid and Aurora Store install perfectly well on /e/.
There is a /e/ Apps Store that I don’t use, because I’ve made my life with a lot a F-Droid and as few Aurora as I can.

I have switched to /e/ yesterday on my FP3, and I find back what I had on my beloved (but betrayed :pensive:) FP1 with no google apps installed (but with microG to use some apps depending on these Google services).

So yes, Signal works, OsmAnd as well.


Thank you thib!
As I read your post it indeed reminds me all the trouble I had, long ago, with the FP1s and microG : how is this on the FP3 /e/ ? Is there something already preset, that’d help converging faster on the GPS for instance?
Thank you!

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indeed… I am not a crazy user of GPS for several good reasons, one of the first being that my 1st smartphone, the FP1, was not dealing properly with it.
I’ve just tried right now the GPS with the FP3 and /e/. Went in the garden. Got a first fix after around 1 min.
I think /e/ does the same job as the standard Google OS. But as I am not using actively the GPS, don’t take my words as an absolute reference.


If you get a fix in 1mn for the fist time you launch the GPS that’s rather good. On the FP1 it took way longer, specially the first time :wink:
I see some phones converging in mere seconds nowadays, but this is (a) not their first convergence and (b) visibly, they use Google databases of wifi and GSM signals (which was the purpose of that damned microG at the time)…

MicroG is installed in /e/ and makes it easier to use some apps. I didn’t saw improvements for the gps fix time (I use osmand a lot) from fairphone open os to /e/.
But I am now able to use some banking apps like twint that work “out of the box” and that didn’t work well on fairphone open os.
Want to add that /e/ is more degoogled than fairphone open os is. The aim of the project is to provide a privacy focused android alternative with cloud services (e foundation provides a mail and a nextcloud server for free with basic use linked to the phone e account - not mandatory, you can use /e/ smartphone without e account) to non technical users.


Hey @VolvoX if you want to post about /e/ on your FP3, please use this topic, not the one about Fairphone Open OS.

Ok, sorry, I was writing in the same time you were merging… :wink:

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