Downtime or unavailibility of FP2 - criteria before contact FP support team

Thanks for your patience and for your suggestions.
I hope you got my good intentions with building up a statistic research.

Given so many incidentes only for the most critical cases it should be possible to have a typical mathematical model given the statistical validation of data assessment.
If the FP2 doesnot start with a blackscreen then for the outcome you got some probabilities for event A, B or C.
yeah, yeah there is much to be done, but the results should be convincing even if statistical models are not much different to school mathematics. Purpose is to make assumptions and predictions and prognostics This is what I want the data assessment for.

It should have to do with some riddle solving for mathematicians . I guess there are even hidden secrets about the compoany FP. I assume that those statistics already exists for FP for their qualitiy management and assurance.
Also the manufacturing fabric should have statistics about the parts rejection for estimating costs .

Remember Screen cracked on opening case breaking screen with too thin glass.That is no question to me a typical production fault from the fabric that was unrecognized. I guess it was stabled or remedied from the fabric. Since most users has no other chance than to post on this forum instead of instantly solving such DOAs quickly by a even quicker official support team there is an even chance to have a wide data basis for prognostics.