Delete my forum account

Please can you anonymize and delete my account too?

Hi there,
Could you please anonymize and delete my account too ?
Thanks for your help :slight_smile:

Same here, can you delete and anonymize my account please?
Thank you!

Please delete my Account, Thanks.

account was anonymized.

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@moderators what an incredibly stupid system - please delete and anonymize my account

Account was anonymized

Please delete/anonymize my account, too. Good luck to you guys

Account is anonymized


Hello, I’d like to anonymize/deactivate my account. Thanks!

(I think It’s possible to let old users delete their accounts by themselves by changing the server settings)


Seeing your last post was 3 years ago this doesnt apply to you, and thats how its working here as far as I know

The user can self-delete account if:

  • 1 post or lessand
  • their account is less than a few days old
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Hi there - could you delete my account please as I no longer have a fairphone? Thankyou!

Your account was anonymised.

Hi. I too would like to ask to have my account deleted / anonymized, with data (email…) purged.
Kind regards.

Your account was anonymised.

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